Оле-Лукойе. Ганс Христиан Андерсен. - параллельный перевод
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Over the chest of drawers hung a large painting in a gilt frame.
It was a landscape in which one could see tall old trees, flowers in the grass, and a large lake from which a river flowed away through the woods, past many castles, far out to the open sea.
It was a landscape in which one could see tall old trees, flowers in the grass, and a large lake from which a river flowed away through the woods, past many castles, far out to the open sea.
Над комодом висела большая картина в золоченой раме; на ней была изображена красивая местность: высокие, старые деревья, трава, цветы и большая река, убегавшая мимо чудных дворцов за лес, в далекое море.
Ole Lukoie touched the painting with his magic sprinkler, and the birds in it began to sing, the branches stirred on the trees, and the clouds billowed along.
You could see their shadows sweep across the landscape.
You could see their shadows sweep across the landscape.
Оле-Лукойе дотронулся волшебною спринцовкой до картины, и нарисованные на ней птицы запели, ветви деревьев зашевелились, а облака понеслись по небу; видно было даже, как скользила по картине их тень.
Then Ole Lukoie lifted little Hjalmar up to the frame and put the boy's feet into the picture, right in the tall grass, and there he stood.
Затем Оле приподнял Яльмара к раме, и мальчик стал ногами прямо в высокую траву.
The sun shone down on him through the branches of the trees, as he ran to the water and got into a little boat which was there.
Солнышко светило на него сквозь ветви деревьев, он побежал к воде и уселся в лодочку, которая колыхалась у берега.
It was painted red and white, and its sails shone like silver.
Six swans, each with a golden crown around its neck and a bright blue star upon its forehead, drew the boat through the deep woods, where the trees whispered of robbers and witches, and the flowers spoke about the dainty little elves, and about all that the butterflies had told them.
Six swans, each with a golden crown around its neck and a bright blue star upon its forehead, drew the boat through the deep woods, where the trees whispered of robbers and witches, and the flowers spoke about the dainty little elves, and about all that the butterflies had told them.
Лодочка была выкрашена красною и белою краской, паруса блестели, как серебряные, и шесть лебедей в золотых коронах, с сияющими голубыми звездами на головах повлекли лодочку вдоль зеленых лесов, где деревья рассказывали о разбойниках и ведьмах, а цветы -- о прелестных маленьких эльфах и о том, что рассказывали им бабочки.
Splendid fish with scales like gold and silver swam after the boat.
Sometimes they gave a leap-so that it said "splash" in the water.
Birds red and blue, large and small, flew after the boat in two long lines.
The gnats danced and the cockchafers went boom, boom!
They all wanted to go with Hjalmar, and every one of them had a story to tell.
Sometimes they gave a leap-so that it said "splash" in the water.
Birds red and blue, large and small, flew after the boat in two long lines.
The gnats danced and the cockchafers went boom, boom!
They all wanted to go with Hjalmar, and every one of them had a story to tell.
Чудеснейшие рыбы с серебристою и золотистою чешуей плыли за лодкой, ныряли и плескали в воде хвостами; красные, голубые, большие и маленькие птицы летели за Яльмаром двумя длинными вереницами; комары танцевали, а майские жуки гудели -- всем хотелось провожать Яльмара, и у каждого была для него наготове сказка.
What magnificent voyage that was!
Да, вот так было плаванье!
Sometimes the forest was deep and dark, and sometimes like the loveliest garden full of sun and flowers.
Леса то густели и темнели, то становились похожими на чудеснейшие сады, освещенные солнцем и усеянные цветами.
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