
Маг. - параллельный перевод

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In one corner they could see the squat, quaint towers of Saint Sulpice, and on the other side the uneven roofs of the Boulevard Saint Michel.
The palace was grey and solid.
Nurses, some in the white caps of their native province, others with the satin streamers of the _nounou_, marched sedately two by two, wheeling perambulators and talking.
С одной стороны высились мощные причудливые башни Сан-Сюльпис, с другой — неровные крыши бульвара Сан-Мишель.
Brightly dressed children trundled hoops or whipped a stubborn top.
As he watched them, Dr Porhoлt's lips broke into a smile, and it was so tender that his thin face, sallow from long exposure to subtropical suns, was transfigured.
He no longer struck you merely as an insignificant little man with hollow cheeks and a thin grey beard; for the weariness of expression which was habitual to him vanished before the charming sympathy of his smile.
Поглядывая на нарядных детей, гоняющих обручи или скачущих верхом на палочках, доктор Поро улыбался, и эта нежная улыбка преображала его худощавое, прокаленное тропическим солнцем лицо.
His sunken eyes glittered with a kindly but ironic good-humour.
Now passed a guard in the romantic cloak of a brigand in comic opera and a peaked cap like that of an _alguacil_.
A group of telegraph boys in blue stood round a painter, who was making a sketch--notwithstanding half-frozen fingers.
Here and there, in baggy corduroys, tight jackets, and wide-brimmed hats, strolled students who might have stepped from the page of Murger's immortal romance.
But the students now are uneasy with the fear of ridicule, and more often they walk in bowler hats and the neat coats of the _boulevardier_.
В запавших глазах светился мягкий юмор.
Dr Porhoлt spoke English fluently, with scarcely a trace of foreign accent, but with an elaboration which suggested that he had learned the language as much from study of the English classics as from conversation.
По-английски доктор говорил свободно, с легким французским акцентом, но с той тщательностью, которая позволяла предполагать, что английский пришел к нему из произведений классиков туманного Альбиона, а не из живой разговорной речи.
'And how is Miss Dauncey?' he asked, turning to his friend.
— Как поживает мисс Донси? — спросил он, поворачиваясь к своему другу.
Arthur Burdon smiled.
Артур Бардон улыбнулся.
'Oh, I expect she's all right.
— Надеюсь, здорова.
I've not seen her today, but I'm going to tea at the studio this afternoon, and we want you to dine with us at the Chien Noir.'
Сегодня мы еще не виделись, но я собираюсь к ней в студию на чашку чая.
Мы хотели бы пригласить вас поужинать с нами в
«Шьен Нуар».
'I shall be much pleased.
— С удовольствием.
But do you not wish to be by yourselves?'
Но разве вам скучно наедине?
'She met me at the station yesterday, and we dined together.
— Вчера она встретила меня на вокзале, и мы вместе обедали.

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