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Слово "edition". Англо-русский словарь Мюллера

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  1. edition [ɪˈdɪʃən]существительное
    1. издание;
      pocket edition карманное издание

      Примеры использования

      1. We were producing a definitive edition of the poems of Kipling.
        Мы готовили каноническое издание стихов Киплинга.
        1984. Скотный Двор. Джордж Оруэлл, стр. 224
      2. PROJECT GUTENBERG. Produced by David Widger. The previous edition was updated by Jose Menendez. THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER BY MARK TWAIN (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) P R E F A C E
        Приключения Тома Сойера. Марк Твен, стр. 1
      3. At five o'clock the following morning, Tony and Dominique hurriedly got dressed and went out to get the first edition of the morning paper. It had just arrived at the kiosk.
        На рассвете Тони и Доминик наскоро оделись и побежали купить первый выпуск утренней газеты, только что поступившей в киоск.
        Интриганка. Сидни Шелдон, стр. 231
    2. выпуск;
      morning edition утренний выпуск (газеты)

      Примеры использования

      1. Will you come?" "Certainly. I must just take one look round." He examined the carpet and the window. "The fellow had either very long legs or was a most active man," said he. "With an area beneath, it was no mean feat to reach that window-ledge and open that window. Getting back was comparatively simple. Are you coming with us to see the remains of your bust, Mr. Harker?" The disconsolate journalist had seated himself at a writing-table. "I must try and make something of it," said he, "though I have no doubt that the first editions of the evening papers are out already with full details. It's like my luck! You remember when the stand fell at Doncaster? Well, I was the only journalist in the stand, and my journal the only one that had no account of it, for I was too shaken to write it. And now I'll be too late with a murder done on my own doorstep." As we left the room we heard his pen travelling shrilly over the foolscap.
        Хотите пойти со мной?
        Приключения Шерлока Холмса. Шесть наполеонов. Артур Конан-Дойл, стр. 7
    3. тираж (книги, газеты и т.п.)
    4. копия, вариант;
      she is a more charming edition of her sister она вылитая сестра, но ещё более очаровательна

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