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Слово "gentlewoman". Англо-русский словарь Мюллера

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  1. gentlewoman [ˈentlˌwumən]существительное
    1. дама, леди

      Примеры использования

      1. Her humble preparations, therefore, were duly made and the enterprise was now to be commenced. Nor was she entitled to complain of any remarkable singularity in her fate; for, in the town of her nativity, we might point to several little shops of a similar description, some of them in houses as ancient as that of the Seven Gables; and one or two, it may be, where a decayed gentlewoman stands behind the counter, as grim an image of family pride as Miss Hepzibah Pyncheon herself. It was overpoweringly ridiculous—we must honestly confess it—the deportment of the maiden lady while setting her shop in order for the public eye. She stole on tiptoe to the window, as cautiously as if she conceived some bloody-minded villain to be watching behind the elm tree, with intent to take her life. Stretching out her long, lank arm, she put a paper of pearl-buttons, a Jew's-harp, or whatever the small article might be, in its destined place, and straightway vanished back into the dusk, as if the world need never hope for another glimpse of her. It might have been fancied indeed, that she expected to minister to the wants of the community unseen, like a disembodied divinity, or enchantress, holding forth bargains to the reverential and awe-stricken purchaser, in an invisible hand. But Hepzibah had no such flattering dream. She was well aware that she must ultimately come forward, and stand revealed in her proper individuality; but, like other sensitive persons, she could not bear to be observed in the gradual process, and chose rather to flash forth on the world's astonished gaze at once.
        Она сделала все приготовления и положила начало этому предприятию. В ее родном городе было несколько подобных лавочек. Некоторые из них открылись в таких же старинных домах, как и Дом с семью шпилями, и в одной или даже в двух за конторкой сидела такая же знатная и хмурая старушка, как и мисс Гепзиба Пинчон.
        Дом о семи шпилях. Натаниэль Готорн, стр. 35
    2. история — дворянка
    3. вышедший из употребления; архаизм — фрейлина; камеристка

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