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Слово "insemination". Англо-русский словарь Мюллера

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  1. insemination [ɪnˈsemɪˈnʃən] существительное
    artificial insemination искусственное оплодотворение или осеменение

    Примеры использования

    1. A year later she had a child through the miracle of artificial insemination
      Еще через год благодаря чуду искусственного оплодотворения на свет появилось дитя...
      Ангелы и Демоны. Дэн Браун, стр. 418
    2. All children were to be begotten by artificial insemination (ARTSEM, it was called in Newspeak) and brought up in public institutions.
      Зачатие должно происходить путем искусственного осеменения (искос на новоязе), в общественных пунктах.
      1984. Скотный Двор. Джордж Оруэлл, стр. 63
    3. Selene’s amusement seemed to cover a very real sense of shock. “You don’t suppose my father had sex with my mother. If my mother heard you say that, she’d set you right in a hurry.” “But—” “Artificial insemination was what it was for goodness sake. Sex with an Earthman?” The Earthman looked solemn. “I thought you said there was no discrimination.” “That’s not discrimination. That’s a matter of physical fact. An Earthman can’t handle the gravity field properly. However practiced he might be, under the stress of passion, he might revert. I wouldn’t risk it. The clumsy fool might snap his arm or leg—or worse, mine. Gene mixtures are one thing; sex is quite another.” “I’m sorry.... Isn’t artificial insemination against the law?” She was watching the gymnastics with absorption.
      Селена внимательно следила за гимнастами.
      Сами боги. Айзек Азимов, стр. 179

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