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Слово "mulish". Англо-русский словарь Мюллера

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  1. mulish [ˈmju:lɪʃ] имя прилагательное
    упрямый (как осёл)

    Примеры использования

    1. He was sitting in the outer office of Quitters, Inc.,the next day promptly at three. He had spent most of the day swinging between skipping the appointment the receptionist had made for him on the way out and going in a spirit of mulish co-operation-Throw your best pitch at me, buster. In the end, something Jimmy McCann had said convinced him to keep the appointment-It changed my whole fife. God knew his own life could do with some changing. And then there was his own curiosity. Before going up in the elevator, he smoked a cigarette down to the filter. Too damn bad if it's the last one, he thought. It tasted horrible. The wait in the outer office was shorter this time. When the receptionist told him to go in, Donatti was waiting. He offered his hand and smiled, and to Morrison the smile looked almost predatory. He began to feel a little tense, and that made him wa~t a cigarette. "Come with me," Donatti said, and led the way down to the small room. He sat behind the desk again, and Morrison took the other chair.
      На следующий день, ровно в три, Донатти ждал его, он пожал Моррисону руку и улыбнулся хищной улыбкой.
      Корпорация "Бросайте курить" Стивен КИНГ, стр. 6
    2. You sat there scowling, with a mulish face, and never addressed a word to either neighbor.
      Вы сидели с надутым видом, хмурились и ни словом не обмолвились со своими соседками.
      Моя кузина Рейчел. Дафна Дюморье, стр. 160
    3. The two heavy lines were there on either side of the masterful nose, the mulish mouth was set indomitably, the slightly protruding and glacial eyes fixed without blinking on Meggie.
      Глубокие складки по обе стороны крупного носа, упрямо сжатый властный рот; выпуклые холодные глаза не мигая уставились на Мэгги.
      Поющие в терновнике. Колин Макколоу, стр. 160

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