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Слово "perversion". Англо-русский словарь Мюллера

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  1. perversion [pəˈvɛ:r?ʃən]существительное
    1. извращение; искажение

      Примеры использования

      1. 'We have neglected sex education.'             'We seem to think children ought to pick it all up for themselves like animals. And that's exactly how they do - like animals. We seem to think it's unnecessary to warn children against perversion, because we work from the assumption that in a healthy society they should all be normal. So they have to learn from one another, and what they learn is vague and distorted. In all other fields we regard it as essential that our children be guided. It's only in this field that guidance is considered "shameful". That is why you sometimes meet grown women who have never experienced the full range of emotion, for the simple reason that the man didn't know how to treat her on their first night.'             'Hmm, yes,' said Dontsova.             'Yes indeed!' said Oreshchenkov firmly.
        — Половое воспитание у нас заброшено.
        Раковый корпус. Александр Солженицын, стр. 488
      2. He wondered if it was oddity with him, approaching perversion, or the familiarity of years of love and knowledge that made him want her most when a little rumpled as she was now, or drowsy on first waking, or greasy with her hair in pins, her make-up wiped away.
        Он и сам не знал, то ли его собственные странности, граничащие с извращением, то ли долгие годы любви и близости заставляли его особенно страстно желать ее в те минуты, когда она слегка растрепана, как сейчас, или заспана после раннего пробуждения, или еще не успела стереть грим и вынуть шпильки из волос.
        Паразиты. Дафна Дюморье, стр. 296
      3. The woman made it seem like a perversion."
        У нее все это походило на извращение!
        Прелюдия к Основанию. Айзек Азимов, стр. 186
    2. извращённость

      Примеры использования

      1. We talked about religious people who had perversions.
        Мы говорили о людях набожных, но извращенных.
        Колыбель для кошки. Курт Воннегут, стр. 14

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