Дама с собачкой. Чехов Антон Павлович - параллельный перевод
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In his appearance, in
his character, in his whole nature, there was something attractive
and elusive which allured women and disposed them in his favour;
he knew that, and some force seemed to draw him, too, to them.
В его наружности, в характере, во всей его натуре было что-то привлекательное, неуловимое, что располагало к нему женщин, манило их; он знал об этом. и самого его тоже какая-то сила влекла к ним.
Experience often repeated, truly bitter experience, had taught him
long ago that with decent people, especially Moscow people--always
slow to move and irresolute--every intimacy, which at first so
agreeably diversifies life and appears a light and charming adventure,
inevitably grows into a regular problem of extreme intricacy, and
in the long run the situation becomes unbearable.
Опыт многократный, в самом деле горький опыт, научил его давно, что всякое сближение, которое вначале так приятно разнообразит жизнь и представляется милым и легким приключением, у порядочных людей, особенно у москвичей, тяжелых на подъем, нерешительных, неизбежно вырастает в целую задачу, сложную чрезвычайно, и положение в конце концов становится тягостным.
But at every fresh
meeting with an interesting woman this experience seemed to slip
out of his memory, and he was eager for life, and everything seemed
simple and amusing.
Но при всякой новой встрече с интересною женщиной этот опыт как-то ускользал из памяти, и хотелось жить, и всё казалось так просто и забавно.
One evening he was dining in the gardens, and the lady in the beret
came up slowly to take the next table.
И вот однажды под вечер он обедал в саду, а дама в берете подходила не спеша, чтобы занять соседний стол.
Her expression, her gait,
her dress, and the way she did her hair told him that she was a
lady, that she was married, that she was in Yalta for the first
time and alone, and that she was dull there. . . .
The stories told of the immorality in such places as Yalta are to a great extent untrue; he despised them, and knew that such stories were for the most part made up by persons who would themselves have been glad to sin if they had been able; but when the lady sat down at the next table three paces from him, he remembered these tales of easy conquests, of trips to the mountains, and the tempting thought of a swift, fleeting love affair, a romance with an unknown woman, whose name he did not know, suddenly took possession of him.
The stories told of the immorality in such places as Yalta are to a great extent untrue; he despised them, and knew that such stories were for the most part made up by persons who would themselves have been glad to sin if they had been able; but when the lady sat down at the next table three paces from him, he remembered these tales of easy conquests, of trips to the mountains, and the tempting thought of a swift, fleeting love affair, a romance with an unknown woman, whose name he did not know, suddenly took possession of him.
Ее выражение, походка, платье, прическа говорили ему, что она из порядочного общества, замужем, в Ялте в первый раз и одна, что ей скучно здесь… В рассказах о нечистоте местных нравов много неправды, он презирал их и знал, что такие рассказы в большинстве сочиняются людьми, которые сами бы охотно грешили, если б умели, но, когда дама села за соседний стол в трех шагах от него, ему вспомнились эти рассказы о легких победах, о поездках в горы, и соблазнительная мысль о скорой, мимолетной связи, о романе с неизвестною женщиной, которой не знаешь по имени и фамилии, вдруг овладела им.
He beckoned coaxingly to the Pomeranian, and when the dog came up
to him he shook his finger at it.
Он ласково поманил к себе шпица и, когда тот подошел, погрозил ему пальцем.
The Pomeranian growled: Gurov
shook his finger at it again.
Шпиц заворчал.
Гуров опять погрозил.
Гуров опять погрозил.
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