Красивые люди. Чарльз Бомонт - параллельный перевод
Изучение английского языка с помощью параллельного текста книги "Красивые люди".
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"I don't quite understand, doctor."
— Я вас не совсем понимаю, доктор.
"Simply, Mrs. Cuberle, that the children have got to be thoroughly instructed.
— Дети, миссис Кьюберли, должны быть как следует проинструктированы.
Как следует!
Too much is taken for granted and childish minds somehow refuse to accept things without definite reason.
Children have become far too intellectual, which, as I trust I needn't remind you, is a dangerous thing."
Children have become far too intellectual, which, as I trust I needn't remind you, is a dangerous thing."
Многое у нас считается само собой разумеющимся, а детский ум не воспринимает ряд явлений без четкого объяснения.
"Yes, but what has this to do with—"
"With Mary?
Everything, of course.
"With Mary?
Everything, of course.
— Разумеется, но какое это имеет отношение к…
Mary, like half the sixteen, seventeen and eighteen year olds today, has begun to feel acutely self-conscious.
— Мэри, как приблизительно половина шестнадцати-, семнадцати-, восемнадцатилетних, становится болезненно застенчивой.
She feels that her body has developed sufficiently for the Transformation—which of course it has not, not quite yet—and she cannot understand the complex reasons that compel her to wait until some future date.
Ей кажется, что ее тело достаточно развилось и готово к Трансформации, а на самом деле это не так.
Mary looks at you, at the women all about her, at the pictures, and then she looks into a mirror.
From pure perfection of body, face, limbs, pigmentation, carriage, stance, from simon-pure perfection, if I may be allowed the expression, she sees herself and is horrified.
Isn't that so, my dear child?
Of course—of course.
From pure perfection of body, face, limbs, pigmentation, carriage, stance, from simon-pure perfection, if I may be allowed the expression, she sees herself and is horrified.
Isn't that so, my dear child?
Of course—of course.
Мэри видит вас, окружающих ее женщин, фотографии, а потом смотрится в зеркало и приходит в ужас.
She asks herself, why must I be hideous, unbalanced, oversize, undersize, full of revolting skin eruptions, badly schemed organically?
In short, Mary is tired of being a monster and is overly anxious to achieve what almost everyone else has already achieved."
In short, Mary is tired of being a monster and is overly anxious to achieve what almost everyone else has already achieved."
Она спрашивает себя:
"Почему я должна быть безобразной, неуклюжей, непропорционально сложенной?"
"Почему я должна быть безобразной, неуклюжей, непропорционально сложенной?"
"But—" said Mrs. Cuberle.
— Но… — начала миссис Кьюберли.
"This much you understand, doubtless.
— Эта сторона вопроса вам, несомненно, понятна.
Now, Mary, what you object to is that our society offers you, and the others like you, no convincing logic on the side of waiting until age nineteen.
It is all taken for granted, and you want to know why!
It is that simple.
A non-technical explanation will not suffice—mercy no!
The modern child wants facts, solid technical data, to satisfy her every question.
And that, as you can both see, will take a good deal of reorganizing."
"But—" said Mary.
"The child is upset, nervous, tense; she acts strange, peculiar, odd, worries you and makes herself ill because it is beyond our meagre powers to put it across.
I tell you, what we need is a whole new basis for learning.
And, that will take doing.
It will take doing, Mrs. Cuberle.
Now, don't you worry about Mary, and don't you worry, child.
I'll prescribe some pills and—"
It is all taken for granted, and you want to know why!
It is that simple.
A non-technical explanation will not suffice—mercy no!
The modern child wants facts, solid technical data, to satisfy her every question.
And that, as you can both see, will take a good deal of reorganizing."
"But—" said Mary.
"The child is upset, nervous, tense; she acts strange, peculiar, odd, worries you and makes herself ill because it is beyond our meagre powers to put it across.
I tell you, what we need is a whole new basis for learning.
And, that will take doing.
It will take doing, Mrs. Cuberle.
Now, don't you worry about Mary, and don't you worry, child.
I'll prescribe some pills and—"
Итак, Мэри, твой протест направлен против того, что мы не даем тебе и твоим сверстникам убедительных, логически обоснованных объяснений, почему нужно ждать до девятнадцати лет.
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