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Слово "compatible". Англо-русский словарь Мюллера

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  1. compatible [kəmˈpætəbl] имя прилагательное
    совместимый (with )

    Примеры использования

    1. It was a deliberate attack on the mysticism of the Maeterlinck school-an attack from the citadel of positive science upon the wonder-dreamers, but an attack nevertheless that retained much of beauty and wonder of the sort compatible with ascertained fact.
      То была тщательно обдуманная атака на мистицизм школы Метерлинка – из крепости позитивной науки он нападал на мечтателей, ждущих чуда, однако не ниспровергал красоту и чудо, ту красоту и чудо, что совместимы с фактами.
      Мартин Иден. Джек Лондон, стр. 244
    2. It is doubtful even if parental authority could at that moment have prevented her from carrying out her purpose. Talk to the tigress when frenzied by a similar feeling. With a love unhallowed, the will of the Egyptian queen was not more imperious than is that of the American Creole, when stirred by its holiest passion. It acknowledges no right of contradiction—regards no obstruction save death. It is a spirit rare upon earth. In its tranquil state, soft as the rays of the Aurora—pure as the prayer of a child; but when stirred by love,—or rather by its too constant concomitant—it becomes proud and perilous as the light of Lucifer! Of this spirit Louise Poindexter was the truest type. Where love was the lure, to wish was to have, or perish in the attempt to obtain. Jealousy resting upon doubt was neither possible to her nature, or compatible with her existence. She must find proofs to destroy, or confirm it—proofs stronger than those already supplied by the contents of the strayed epistle, which, after all, were only presumptive. Armed with this, she was in a position to seek them; and they were to be sought upon the Alamo.
      Даже слово отца не могло бы ее остановить.
      Всадник без головы. Майн Рид, стр. 390
    3. I should give the people the illusion of liberty by allowing them as much personal freedom as is compatible with the safety of the state.
      Я предоставил бы народу вообразить себя свободным, дав ему ту меру личной свободы, какая не угрожает безопасности государства.
      Рождественские каникулы. Уильям Сомерсет Моэм, стр. 234

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