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Слово "lily". Англо-русский словарь Мюллера

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  1. lily [ˈlɪlɪ]существительное
    1. лилия

      Примеры использования

      1. For many miles on either side of the river’s oozy bed is a pale desert of gigantic water-lilies.
        На много миль по обе стороны илистого речного ложа раскинулась бледная пустыня гигантских водяных лилий.
        Молчание. Эдгар Аллан По, стр. 1
      2. One morning at breakfast I came close to disaster by declaiming in palpably liquorish accents an effusion of Eighteenth Century bacchanalian mirth, a bit of Georgian playfulness never recorded in a book, which ran something like this: Come hither, my lads, with your tankards of ale, And drink to the present before it shall fail; Pile each on your platter a mountain of beef, For `tis eating and drinking that bring us relief: So fill up your glass, For life will soon pass; When you're dead ye'll ne'er drink to your king or your lass! Anacreon had a red nose, so they say; But what's a red nose if ye're happy and gay? Gad split me! I'd rather be red whilst I'm here, Than white as a lily and dead half a year! So Betty, my miss, Come give me kiss; In hell there's no innkeeper's daughter like this! Young Harry, propp'd up just as straight as he's able, Will soon lose his wig and slip under the table, But fill up your goblets and pass `em around Better under the table than under the ground! So revel and chaff As ye thirstily quaff: Under six feet of dirt `tis less easy to laugh! The fiend strike me blue! l'm scarce able to walk, And damn me if I can stand upright or talk! Here, landlord, bid Betty to summon a chair; l'll try home for a while, for my wife is not there! So lend me a hand; I'm not able to stand, But I'm gay whilst I linger on top of the land!
        Однажды утром за завтраком я чуть не накликал на себя беду, явно с пафосом продекламировав похотливый Вакхический поток слов поэта восемнадцатого века, продекламировал с игривостью георгианской эпохи, едва ли уместной на страницах этой книги.
        Склеп. Говард Лавкрафт, стр. 8
      3. Its garden, too, glowed with flowers: hollyhocks had sprung up tall as trees, lilies had opened, tulips and roses were in bloom; the borders of the little beds were gay with pink thrift and crimson double daisies; the sweetbriars gave out, morning and evening, their scent of spice and apples; and these fragrant treasures were all useless for most of the inmates of Lowood, except to furnish now and then a handful of herbs and blossoms to put in a coffin.
        В саду цвело множество мальв ростом чуть не с дерево, раскрывались лилии, разноцветные тюльпаны и розы, маленькие клумбы были окружены веселой темно-розовой каймой маргариток. По вечерам и по утрам благоухал шиповник, от него пахло яблоками и пряностями. Но в большинстве своем обитатели Ловуда не могли наслаждаться этими дарами природы, и только мы носили на могилы умерших девочек пучки трав и цветов.
        Джейн Эйр. Шарлотта Бронте, стр. 80
    2. лилейный, белый

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