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Слово "undersell". Англо-русский словарь Мюллера

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  1. undersell [ˈʌndəˈsel] глагол
    (undersold ) продавать дешевле других

    Примеры использования

    1. 'Have you any idea what the pace of work is like at medical institutions nowadays? It was different in your day. Just think how many patients there are for every doctor.'             'With the right kind of primary system,' Oreshchenkov countered, 'there'd be fewer cases altogether, and no neglected ones. The primary doctor should have no more patients than his memory and personal knowledge can cover. Then he could treat each patient as a subject on his own. Treating diseases separately is work on the feldsher level.'             'Oh dear!' sighed Dontsova wearily. As if there was any chance of their private conversation changing or reforming anything of consequence! 'It's a frightening thought, treating each patient as a subject on his own.'             Oreshchenkov too sensed that it was time he stopped. Verbosity was a vice he had developed in his old age.             'But the patient's organism isn't aware that our knowledge is divided into separate branches. You see, the organism isn't divided. As Voltaire said, "Doctors prescribe medicines about which they know nothing for an organism about which they know less." How can we understand the patient as a single subject? After all, the anatomist who draws the charts operates on corpses; the living aren't his province, are they? A radiologist makes a name for himself on bone fractures; the gastrointestinal tract is outside his field, isn't it? The patient gets tossed from "specialist" to "specialist" like a basketball. That's why a doctor can remain a passionate bee-keeper, all through his career. If you wanted to understand the patient as a single subject, there'd be no room left in you for any other passion. That's the way it is. The doctor should be a single subject as well. The doctor ought to be an all-rounder.'             'The doctor as well?' It was almost a plaintive groan. If she'd been able to keep her spirits up and a clear head no doubt she would have found this exhaustive discussion interesting. But as things were they merely broke her morale even further. She found it so hard to concentrate.             'Yes, Ludochka, and you're just such a doctor. You shouldn't undersell yourself. There's nothing new about this, you know. Before the Revolution we municipal doctors all had to do it. We were clinical specialists, not administrators. Nowadays the senior doctor of a district hospital insists on having ten specialists on his staff, otherwise he won't work.'             He could see it was time to finish.
      — Вы представляете, какие сейчас темпы в лечебных учреждениях? Вы таких не застали.
      Раковый корпус. Александр Солженицын, стр. 492

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