Мальтийский сокол. Дэниел Хэммет - параллельный перевод
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Miss Wonderly murmured,
Мисс Уондерли снова прошелестела:
"Thank you," softly as before and sat down on the edge of the chair's wooden seat.
"Спасибо"-и присела на кончик деревянного сиденья.
Spade sank into his swivel-chair, made a quarter-turn to face her, smiled politely.
He smiled without separating his lips.
All the v's in his face grew longer.
He smiled without separating his lips.
All the v's in his face grew longer.
Спейд опустился в свое вращающееся кресло и, повернувшись к ней, вежливо улыбнулся.
The tappity-tap-tap and the thin bell and muffled whir of Effie Perine's typewriting came through the closed door.
Из-за закрытой двери доносился привычный треск пишущей машинки Эффи Перин.
Somewhere in a neighboring office a power-driven machine vibrated dully.
Где-то неподалеку гудел электрический мотор.
On Spade's desk a limp cigarette smoldered in a brass tray filled with the remains of limp cigarettes.
На столе в переполненной медной пепельнице тлела сигарета.
Ragged grey flakes of cigarette-ash dotted the yellow top of the desk and the green blotter and the papers that were there.
A buff-curtained window, eight or ten inches open, let in from the court a current of air faintly scented with ammonia.
The ashes on the desk twitched and crawled in the current.
A buff-curtained window, eight or ten inches open, let in from the court a current of air faintly scented with ammonia.
The ashes on the desk twitched and crawled in the current.
Ветерок, проникавший в комнату через приоткрытое окно, приносил с собой легкий аммиачный запах и перекатывал по столу сигаретный пепел.
Miss Wonderly watched the grey flakes twitch and crawl.
Her eyes were uneasy.
Her eyes were uneasy.
Мисс Уондерли не отрывала беспокойного взгляда от этих пляшущих серых комочков.
She sat on the very edge of the chair.
Her feet were flat on the floor, as if she were about to rise.
Her feet were flat on the floor, as if she were about to rise.
Она сидела на самом кончике кресла, готовая в любой момент вскочить на ноги.
Her hands in dark gloves clasped a flat dark handbag in her lap.
Руки в темных перчатках мяли плоскую темную сумочку на коленях.
Spade rocked back in his chair and asked:
Спейд откинулся в кресле и спросил:
"Now what can I do for you, Miss Wonderly?"
- Итак, чем могу служить, мисс Уондерли
She caught her breath and looked at him.
Она затаила дыхание и подняла на него глаза.
She swallowed and said hurriedly:
Потом судорожно сглотнула и поспешно заговорила:
"Could you—?
I thought—I—that is—" Then she tortured her lower lip with glistening teeth and said nothing.
I thought—I—that is—" Then she tortured her lower lip with glistening teeth and said nothing.
- Ведь вы можете... я думала... вообще-то...Тут она прикусила белоснежными зубами нижнюю губу и замолчала.
Only her dark eyes spoke now, pleading.
Не молчали только ее умоляющие ярко-синие глаза.
Spade smiled and nodded as if he understood her, but pleasantly, as if nothing serious were involved.
Спейд улыбнулся и ободряюще кивнул-дескать, все понимаю, не стоит волноваться.
He said:
"Suppose you tell me about it, from the beginning, and then we'll know what needs doing.
"Suppose you tell me about it, from the beginning, and then we'll know what needs doing.
- Расскажите-ка мне все с самого начала, - предложил он, - и мы подумаем, как вам помочь.
Better begin as far back as you can."
Но, повторяю, - с самого начала.
"That was in New York."
- Это случилось в Нью-Йорке.
- Угу.
"I don't know where she met him.
- Понятия не имею, где они встретились.
I mean I don't know where in New York.
She's five years younger than I—only seventeen—and we didn't have the same friends.
She's five years younger than I—only seventeen—and we didn't have the same friends.
В Нью-Йорке, конечно, но вот где именно Она на пять лет моложе меня. ей только семнадцать, и общих друзей у нас нет.
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