
Неумолимое уравнение. - параллельный перевод

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He let his eyes rest on the narrow white door of the closet.
Пилот остановил взгляд на узкой белой дверце.
There, just inside, another man lived and breathed and was beginning to feel assured that discovery of his presence would now be too late for the pilot to alter the situation.
It was too late—for the man behind the door it was far later than he thought and in a way he would find terrible to believe.
There could be no alternative.
За ней жил и дышал человек, которому предстояло узнать, что его убежище открыли слишком поздно.
Пилот ничем не мог ему помочь.
Additional fuel would be used during the hours of deceleration to compensate for the added mass of the stowaway; infinitesimal increments of fuel that would not be missed until the ship had almost reached its destination.
Then, at some distance above the ground that might be as near as a thousand feet or as far as tens of thousands of feet, depending upon the mass of ship and cargo and the preceding period of deceleration, the unmissed increments of fuel would make their absence known; the EDS would expend its last drops of fuel with a sputter and go into whistling free fall.
Ship and pilot and stowaway would merge together upon impact as a wreckage of metal and plastic, flesh and blood, driven deep into the soil.
Из-за добавочной массы пассажира ему не хватит горючего во время торможения; истратив последние остатки топлива, КЭП начнет стремительно падать.
Корабль вместе с пилотом и пассажиром врежется в землю и превратится в груду человеческих костей и обломков металла.
The stowaway had signed his own death warrant when he concealed himself on the ship; he could not be permitted to take seven others with him.
Спрятавшись на корабле, этот человек подписал себе смертный приговор.
He looked again at the telltale white hand, then rose to his feet.
Он снова взглянул на предательскую белую стрелку и поднялся.
What he must do would be unpleasant for both of them; the sooner it was over, the better.
То, что ему предстояло совершить, было тяжело для них обоих, и чем скорее все будет кончено, тем лучше.
He stepped across the control room, to stand by the white door.
Он пересек рубку и остановился перед белой дверцей.
"Come out!"
— Выходите!
His command was harsh and abrupt above the murmur of the drive.
— Приказ прозвучал резко и отрывисто, заглушив на мгновение рокот двигателей.
It seemed he could hear the whisper of a furtive movement inside the closet, then nothing.
За дверью послышался шорох, и затем снова стало тихо.
He visualized the stowaway cowering closer into one corner, suddenly worried by the possible consequences of his act and his self-assurance evaporating.
Он представил себе забившегося в уголок пассажира, который вдруг осознал ужасные последствия своего легкомысленного поступка.
"I said out!"
— Я сказал — выходите!

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