Сигнал. Всеволод Михайлович Гаршин - параллельный перевод
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Once he happened to ride on an engine, and at one of the stations the face of the station-master seemed familiar to him.
Пришлось ему раз по машине ехать; на одной станции видит - начальник будто знакомый.
Semyon looked at the station-master and the station-master looked at Semyon, and they recognised each other.
Глядит на него Семен, и начальник тоже в Семеново лицо всматривается.
He had been an officer in Semyon's regiment.
Узнали друг друга: офицер своего полка оказался.
"You are Ivanov?" he said.
- Ты Иванов? - говорит.
"Yes, your Excellency."
- Так точно, ваше благородие, я самый и есть.
"How do you come to be here?"
- Ты как сюда попал?
Semyon told him all.
Рассказал ему Семен: так, мол, и так.
"Where are you off to?"
- Куда ж теперь идешь?
"I cannot tell you, sir."
- Не могу знать, ваше благородие.
What do you mean by 'cannot tell you?'"
What do you mean by 'cannot tell you?'"
- Как так, дурак, не можешь знать?
"I mean what I say, your Excellency.
There is nowhere for me to go to.
There is nowhere for me to go to.
- Так точно, ваше благородие, потому податься некуда.
I must hunt for work, sir."
Работы какой, ваше благородие, искать надобно.
The station-master looked at him, thought a bit, and said:
Посмотрел на него начальник станции, подумал и говорит:
"See here, friend, stay here a while at the station.
You are married, I think.
You are married, I think.
- Вот что, брат, оставайся-ка ты покудова на станции.
Where is your wife?"
Ты, кажется, женат?
"Yes, your Excellency, I am married.
My wife is at Kursk, in service with a merchant."
My wife is at Kursk, in service with a merchant."
Где у тебя жена?
"Well, write to your wife to come here.
- Так точно, ваше благородие, женат; жена в городе Курске, у купца в услужении находится.
I will give you a free pass for her.
- Ну, так пиши жене, чтобы ехала.
There is a position as track-walker open.
I will speak to the Chief on your behalf."
I will speak to the Chief on your behalf."
Билет даровой выхлопочу.
"I shall be very grateful to you, your Excellency," replied Semyon.
Тут у нас дорожная будка очистится; уж попрошу за тебя начальника дистанции.
He stayed at the station, helped in the kitchen, cut firewood, kept the yard clean, and swept the platform.
- Много благодарен, ваше благородие, - ответил Семен.
In a fortnight's time his wife arrived, and Semyon went on a hand-trolley to his hut.
Остался он на станции.
Помогал у начальника на кухне, дрова рубил, двор, платформу мел.
Помогал у начальника на кухне, дрова рубил, двор, платформу мел.
The hut was a new one and warm, with as much wood as he wanted.
There was a little vegetable garden, the legacy of former track-walkers, and there was about half a dessiatin of ploughed land on either side of the railway embankment.
There was a little vegetable garden, the legacy of former track-walkers, and there was about half a dessiatin of ploughed land on either side of the railway embankment.
Через две недели приехала жена, и поехал Семен на ручной тележке в свою будку.
Semyon was rejoiced.
He began to think of doing some farming, of purchasing a cow and a horse.
He began to think of doing some farming, of purchasing a cow and a horse.
Будка новая, теплая, дров сколько хочешь; огород маленький от прежних сторожей остался, и земли с полдесятины пахотной по бокам полотна было.
He was given all necessary stores--a green flag, a red flag, lanterns, a horn, hammer, screw-wrench for the nuts, a crow-bar, spade, broom, bolts, and nails; they gave him two books of regulations and a time-table of the train.
Обрадовался Семен; стал думать, как свое хозяйство заведет, корову, лошадь купит.
At first Semyon could not sleep at night, and learnt the whole time-table by heart.
Two hours before a train was due he would go over his section, sit on the bench at his hut, and look and listen whether the rails were trembling or the rumble of the train could be heard.
Two hours before a train was due he would go over his section, sit on the bench at his hut, and look and listen whether the rails were trembling or the rumble of the train could be heard.
Дали ему весь нужный припас: флаг зеленый, флаг красный, фонари, рожок, молот, ключ - гайки подвинчивать, лом, лопату, метел, болтов, костылей; дали две книжечки с правилами и расписание поездов.
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