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Слово "abase". Англо-русский словарь Мюллера

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  1. abase [əˈbs]глагол
    1. унижать;
      to abase oneself so far as to do smth. докатиться до чего-л.

      Примеры использования

      1. For the rest of the term he tormented Philip cruelly, and, though Philip tried to keep out of his way, the school was so small that it was impossible; he tried being friendly and jolly with him; he abased himself, so far as to buy him a knife; but though Singer took the knife he was not placated.
        Он жестоко терзал Филипа до самого конца семестра, и хотя тот старался не попадаться ему на глаза, школа была так мала, что скрыться не удавалось. Филип пробовал заговорить со своим мучителем по-товарищески; он унизился даже до того, что купил ему нож; хотя Певун и взял нож, но не утихомирился.
        Бремя страстей человеческих. Уильям Сомерсет Моэм, стр. 50
      2. Abase me and I shall sing Thy beloved Name.
        Повергни меня во прах, и стану славить твое возлюбленное имя.
        Поющие в терновнике. Колин Макколоу, стр. 588
      3. Nor would it have been singular had they ceased to remember that the House of Seven Gables was resting its heavy framework on a foundation that was rightfully their own. There is something so massive, stable, and almost irresistibly imposing, in the exterior presentment of established rank and great possessions, that their very existence seems to give them a right to exist; at least, so excellent a counterfeit of right, that few poor and humble men have moral force enough to question it, even in their secret minds. Such is the case now, after so many ancient prejudices have been overthrown; and it was far more so in ante-revolutionary days, when aristocracy could venture to be proud, and the low were content to be abased.
        Было бы неудивительно, если бы они и вовсе перестали вспоминать, что Дом с семью шпилями стоит на земле, принадлежавшей их предку.
        Дом о семи шпилях. Натаниэль Готорн, стр. 21
    2. понижать (в чине и т.п.)

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