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Слово "portly". Англо-русский словарь Мюллера

вне TOP 3000 слов
  1. portly uk[ˈpɔːt.li] us[ˈpɔːrt.li]имя прилагательное
    1. полный, дородный, тучный

      Примеры использования

      1. His eyes were blue, his complexion rubicund, his figure almost portly and well-built, his body muscular, and his physical powers fully developed by the exercises of his younger days.
        У него были голубые глаза, румяные щеки, такие толстые, что он мог любоваться собственными скулами; обладая высоким ростом, широкой грудью и мощной мускулатурой, он отличался геркулесовой силой, которую развил еще в молодости постоянными упражнениями.
        Вокруг света за 80 дней. Жюль Верн, стр. 6
      2. Natty old chips, shrewd portly fellows, Jews, trainers looking as if they had never been guilty of seeing a horse in their lives; tall, flapping, languid women, or brisk, loud-voiced women; young men with an air as if trying to take it seriously—two or three of them with only one arm.
        Благообразные старички, зоркие осанистые дельцы, евреи, тренеры, которые выглядят так невинно, точно в жизни не видели лошади; высокие, медлительные, томные женщины или женщины бойкие, с громкими голосами; молодые люди, глядящие так, точно стараются принять все это всерьез, среди них двое или трое одноруких.
        Сага о Форсайтах. Сдается внаем. Джон Голсуорси, стр. 48
      3. He was a man of about fifty, tall, portly, and imposing, with a massive, strongly marked face and a commanding figure. He was dressed in a sombre yet rich style, in black frock-coat, shining hat, neat brown gaiters, and well-cut pearl-grey trousers. Yet his actions were in absurd contrast to the dignity of his dress and features, for he was running hard, with occasional little springs, such as a weary man gives who is little accustomed to set any tax upon his legs. As he ran he jerked his hands up and down, waggled his head, and writhed his face into the most extraordinary contortions.
        Это был мужчина лет пятидесяти, высокий, солидный, с широким энергичным лицом и представительной фигурой. Одет он был богато, но не броско: блестящий цилиндр, темный сюртук из дорогого материала, хорошо сшитые светло-серые брюки и коричневые гетры. Однако все его поведение решительно не соответствовало его внешности и одежде. Он бежал, то и дело подскакивая, как человек, не привыкший к физическим упражнениям, размахивал руками, вертел головой, лицо его искажалось гримасами.
        Приключения Шерлока Холмса. Берилловая диадема. Артур Конан-Дойл, стр. 1
    2. представительный; осанистый

      Примеры использования

      1.             'Thirty-four,' said Kostoglotov. He smiled at him and stood aside.             Hadn't he done too much cackling himself today? Hadn't he perhaps said too much, said something he shouldn't have?             But the restless interviewer would not leave him. He hurried down the stairs after him, bending his portly frame forward, still talking and wheezing over Kostoglotov's shoulder: 'What do you think, comrade? If any tumour doesn't hurt, is it a good or a bad sign? What does it show?'             Tiresome, defenceless people.             'What do you do?' Kostoglotov stopped and asked him.             'I'm a lecturer.' A big-eared man with grey, sleek hair, he looked at Kostoglotov hopefully, as at a doctor.             'Lecturer in what? What subject?'             'Philosophy,' replied the bank manager, remembering his former self and regaining some of his bearing. Although he had shown a wry face all day, he had forgiven Kostoglotov his misplaced and clumsy quotations from the philosophers of the past. He wouldn't reproach him, he needed the suppliers' addresses.             'A lecturer, and it's your throat!' Kostoglotov shook his head from side to side. He had no regrets about not giving the suppliers' addresses out loud in the ward. By the standards of the community that for seven years had dragged him along like a slab of metal through a wire-drawing machine, only a stupid sucker would do a thing like that. Everyone would rush off and write to these suppliers, the prices would be inflated, and he wouldn't get his chaga. It was his duty, though, to tell a few decent people one by one. He'd already made up his mind to tell the geologist, even though they'd exchanged no more than ten words, because he liked the look of him and the way he'd spoken up in defence of cemeteries. And he'd tell Dyoma, except that Dyoma didn't have any money. (In fact Oleg didn't have any either, there was nothing for him to buy the chaga with.) And he would give it to Federau, or Sibgatov, his friends in distress. [Footnote: They all belonged to deported nationalities and were exiles like Kostoglotov. (Translators' note).].             They would all have to ask him one by one, though, and anyone who didn't ask would be left out. But this philosophy lecturer struck Oleg as a foolish fellow. What did he churn out in his lectures anyway? Perhaps he was just clouding people's brains? And what was the point of all his philosophy if he was so completely helpless in the face of his illness?... But what a coincidence - in the throat of all places!             'Write down the suppliers' address,' Kostoglotov commanded. 'But it's only for you!' The philosopher, in grateful haste, bent down to write.             After he had dictated it Oleg managed to tear himself away. He hurried to get in his walk before they locked the outer door.
        — В тридцати четырёх, — улыбнулся ему Костоглотов.
        Раковый корпус. Александр Солженицын, стр. 171
      2. A portly, perspiring middle-aged man came to Blaine's bedside.
        Осанистый, с влажным от испарины лбом мужчина подошел к Блейну.
        Корпорация "Бессмертие" Роберт Шекли, стр. 12
      3. At the Union Club, at this noontime luncheon, after talking with the portly, conservative, aggressive Arneel and the shrewd director of the stock-exchange, Cowperwood met a varied company of men ranging in age from thirty-five to sixty-five gathered about the board in a private dining-room of heavily carved black walnut, with pictures of elder citizens of Chicago on the walls and an attempt at artistry in stained glass in the windows.
        После свидания с мистером Арнилом — осанистым, величественным, настороженно-неприязненным — и беседы с изворотливым и хитрым директором биржи Каупервуд отправился в клуб «Юнион-Лиг». Там он застал довольно пестрое общество: люди самых разных возрастов — от тридцати пяти до шестидесяти пяти лет — завтракали за большим столом в отдельном кабинете, обставленном массивной резной мебелью из черного ореха; со стен на них смотрели портреты именитых чикагских горожан, а окна пестрели цветными стеклами — своеобразное притязание на художественный вкус.
        Титан. Теодор Драйзер, стр. 10

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