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Слово "pumpkin". Англо-русский словарь Мюллера
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pumpkinтыква (обыкновенная)
Примеры использования
- Overtly, I had so-called normal relationships with a number of terrestrial women having pumpkins or pears for breasts; inly, I was consumed by a hell furnace of localized lust for every passing nymphet whom as a law-abiding poltroon I never dared approach.Вовне я имел так называемые нормальные сношения с земнородными женщинами, у которых груди тыквами или грушами, внутри же я был сжигаем в адской печи сосредоточенной похоти, возбуждаемой во мне каждой встречной нимфеткой, к которой я, будучи законоуважающим трусом, не смел подступиться.Лолита. Набоков Владимир, стр. 10
- There were Mystery Village evenings and live theater and the Great Pumpkin Festival.В Бедфорде даже был свой любительский театрик, и каждый год устраивался Праздник Тыквы.Расколотые сны. Сидни Шелдон, стр. 25
- I could see the red flecks in his bewildered eyes as one of the men pricked his flanks with a hay-fork. Two black-shawled women argued beside an open cart, one of them holding by the feet a squawking hen, whose fluttering, protesting wings brushed the wide wicker basket, heaped with apples, on which the woman leant; while towards them came a great hulking fellow in a nut-brown velvet coat, his face purple with good cheer from a near-by bistro, his eyes blurred, his walk unsteady. He grumbled to himself as he peered down at the coins in his open hand, fewer than he had expected, too few – he must somehow have miscalculated in that vanished hour of heat and sweat and tobacco, whence he now came to quarrel with his mother and his wife. I could picture the farmstead which was his home and had been his father’s before him, two kilometres from the road up a sand-track full of pot-holes, the low house a pale lemon wash, the roof tiled, the farm and outbuildings a smudge amidst the flat brown fields heaped now with line upon line of pumpkins, lime-green or salmon-pink, rounded and firm, left to dry before they were fed to the beasts for winter fodder or to the farm people themselves as soup.Я видел, как вспыхнули красные искры в его оторопелых глазах, когда один из мужчин вонзил ему в бок вилы.Козел отпущения. Дафна Дюморье, стр. 3