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Слово "yule". Англо-русский словарь Мюллера

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  1. yule [ju:l] существительное

    Примеры использования

    1. 'Now then, one, two, three!' and forthwith their shrill little voices uprose on the air, singing one of the old-time carols that their forefathers composed in fields that were fallow and held by frost, or when snow-bound in chimney corners, and handed down to be sung in the miry street to lamp-lit windows at Yule-time. CAROL Villagers all, this frosty tide, Let your doors swing open wide, Though wind may follow, and snow beside, Yet draw us in by your fire to bide; Joy shall be yours in the morning! Here we stand in the cold and the sleet, Blowing fingers and stamping feet, Come from far away you to greet— You by the fire and we in the street— Bidding you joy in the morning! For ere one half of the night was gone, Sudden a star has led us on, Raining bliss and benison— Bliss to-morrow and more anon, Joy for every morning! Goodman Joseph toiled through the snow— Saw the star o'er a stable low; Mary she might not further go— Welcome thatch, and litter below! Joy was hers in the morning! ...
      И тоненькие, пронзительные голоса понеслись вверх, в воздух, исполняя старинную песню, которую сочинили их праотцы на бурых, скованных морозом полях или где-нибудь в занесенном снегом уголке, сочинили и передали потомкам, чтобы эти песни пелись в декабре на холодных улицах перед освещенными окнами.
      Ветер в ивах. Кеннет Грэм, стр. 61
    2. As the door opened, one of the elder ones that carried the lantern was just saying, ‘Now then, one, two, three!’ and forthwith their shrill little voices uprose on the air, singing one of the old-time carols that their forefathers composed in fields that were fallow and held by frost, or when snow-bound in chimney corners, and handed down to be sung in the miry street to lamp-lit windows at Yule-time. CAROL Villagers all, this frosty tide, Let your doors swing open wide, Though wind may follow, and snow beside, Yet draw us in by your fire to bide; Joy shall be yours in the morning! Here we stand in the cold and the sleet, Blowing fingers and stamping feet, Come from far away you to greet – You by the fire and we in the street – Bidding you joy in the morning! For ere one half of the night was gone, Sudden a star has led us on, Raining bliss and benison – Bliss to-morrow and more anon, Joy for every morning! Goodman Joseph toiled through the snow – Saw the star o’er a stable low; Mary ...
      Когда дверь открылась, самый старший из них сказал: — Ну, раз, два, три! И тоненькие, пронзительные голоса понеслись вверх, в воздух, исполняя старинную песню, которую сочинили их праотцы на бурых, скованных морозом полях или где-нибудь в занесенном снегом уголке, сочинили и передали потомкам, чтобы эти песни пелись в декабре на холодных улицах перед освещенными окнами.
      Ветер в ивах. Кеннет Грэм, стр. 64

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