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Слово "churn". Англо-русский словарь Мюллера

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  1. churn [ɛ:r?n]
    1. существительное
      1. маслобойка

        Примеры использования

        1. Fee slapped the contents of the butter churn onto the table and attacked the watery yellow mound with two wooden pats.
          Фиа вывернула на стол содержимое маслобойки и стала ожесточенно лупить полужидкий желтый холмик двумя деревянными лопатками.
          Поющие в терновнике. Колин Макколоу, стр. 56
      2. мешалка
    2. глагол
      1. сбивать (масло)

        Примеры использования

        1. There were cries of men, and churn of sleds, the creaking of harnesses, and the eager whimpering of straining dogs.
          Откуда-то доносились людские голоса, скрип полозьев, нетерпеливое повизгивание собак.
          Белый Клык. Джек Лондон, стр. 27
        2.             'Thirty-four,' said Kostoglotov. He smiled at him and stood aside.             Hadn't he done too much cackling himself today? Hadn't he perhaps said too much, said something he shouldn't have?             But the restless interviewer would not leave him. He hurried down the stairs after him, bending his portly frame forward, still talking and wheezing over Kostoglotov's shoulder: 'What do you think, comrade? If any tumour doesn't hurt, is it a good or a bad sign? What does it show?'             Tiresome, defenceless people.             'What do you do?' Kostoglotov stopped and asked him.             'I'm a lecturer.' A big-eared man with grey, sleek hair, he looked at Kostoglotov hopefully, as at a doctor.             'Lecturer in what? What subject?'             'Philosophy,' replied the bank manager, remembering his former self and regaining some of his bearing. Although he had shown a wry face all day, he had forgiven Kostoglotov his misplaced and clumsy quotations from the philosophers of the past. He wouldn't reproach him, he needed the suppliers' addresses.             'A lecturer, and it's your throat!' Kostoglotov shook his head from side to side. He had no regrets about not giving the suppliers' addresses out loud in the ward. By the standards of the community that for seven years had dragged him along like a slab of metal through a wire-drawing machine, only a stupid sucker would do a thing like that. Everyone would rush off and write to these suppliers, the prices would be inflated, and he wouldn't get his chaga. It was his duty, though, to tell a few decent people one by one. He'd already made up his mind to tell the geologist, even though they'd exchanged no more than ten words, because he liked the look of him and the way he'd spoken up in defence of cemeteries. And he'd tell Dyoma, except that Dyoma didn't have any money. (In fact Oleg didn't have any either, there was nothing for him to buy the chaga with.) And he would give it to Federau, or Sibgatov, his friends in distress. [Footnote: They all belonged to deported nationalities and were exiles like Kostoglotov. (Translators' note).].             They would all have to ask him one by one, though, and anyone who didn't ask would be left out. But this philosophy lecturer struck Oleg as a foolish fellow. What did he churn out in his lectures anyway? Perhaps he was just clouding people's brains? And what was the point of all his philosophy if he was so completely helpless in the face of his illness?... But what a coincidence - in the throat of all places!             'Write down the suppliers' address,' Kostoglotov commanded. 'But it's only for you!' The philosopher, in grateful haste, bent down to write.             After he had dictated it Oleg managed to tear himself away. He hurried to get in his walk before they locked the outer door.
          — В тридцати четырёх, — улыбнулся ему Костоглотов.
          Раковый корпус. Александр Солженицын, стр. 171
        3. His mind began churning with a sudden excitement.
          Его мозг включился, осваивая еще неясное озарение.
          Я - легенда. Ричард Мэтсон, стр. 24
      2. взбалтывать; вспенивать;
        the wind churned the river to foam ветер вспенил реку

        Примеры использования

        1. A cart-track, once metalled, then overgrown, now rutted and churned to mud, followed the contour of the hillside and dipped out of sight below, a knoll, and on either side of it lay the haphazard litter of corrugated iron, from which rose the rattle and chatter and whistling and catcalls, all the zoo-noises of the battalion beginning a new day.
          По склону холма, скрываясь из глаз за поворотом, тянулась дорога, некогда засыпанная щебнем, затем заросшая травой, теперь же раскатанная и разбитая в жидкую грязь, а по обе стороны от нее стояло и лежало железо, и оттуда доносился стук, и шум, и свист, и крики — все звуки зверинца, какие издает батальон, начиная новый день.
          Возвращение в Брайдсхед. Ивлин Во, стр. 13
        2. And I saw the world battling against blackness; against the waves of destruction from ultimate space; whirling, churning, struggling around the dimming, cooling sun.
          И я видел, как мир сражается с мраком, с волнами разрушения, которые шли из глубин космоса; вихрь, кружение, борьба вокруг тускнеющего, остывающего Солнца.
          Ньярлатхотеп. Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт, стр. 2
        3. The car churned off into the dust.
          Машина покатила прочь в облаке пыли.
          Марсианские хроники. Рэй Брэдбери, стр. 102

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