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Слово "dredge". Англо-русский словарь Мюллера

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  1. dredge [dre]
    1. существительное
      1. техника; технология — землечерпалка, драга, экскаватор

        Примеры использования

        1. In the first second of it, he had felt that terrible heat dredging up from his loins like something ravenous.
          В первое же мгновение он ощутил, как из глубин его тела снова начинает подниматься чудовищный жар, рождающий бесконтрольную жажду плоти...
          Я - легенда. Ричард Мэтсон, стр. 48
        2. ‘Who’s they?’ Dunbar demanded suspiciously. In a bed in the small private section at the end of the ward, always working ceaselessly behind the green plyboard partition, was the solemn middle-aged colonel who was visited every day by a gentle, sweet-faced woman with curly ash-blond hair who was not a nurse and not a Wac and not a Red Cross girl but who nevertheless appeared faithfully at the hospital in Pianosa each afternoon wearing pretty pastel summer dresses that were very smart and white leather pumps with heels half high at the base of nylon seams that were inevitably straight. The colonel was in Communications, and he was kept busy day and night transmitting glutinous messages from the interior into square pads of gauze which he sealed meticulously and delivered to a covered white pail that stood on the night table beside his bed. The colonel was gorgeous. He had a cavernous mouth, cavernous cheeks, cavernous, sad, mildewed eyes. His face was the color of clouded silver. He coughed quietly, gingerly, and dabbed the pads slowly at his lips with a distaste that had become automatic. The colonel dwelt in a vortex of specialists who were still specializing in trying to determine what was troubling him. They hurled lights in his eyes to see if he could see, rammed needles into nerves to hear if he could feel. There was a urologist for his urine, a lymphologist for his lymph, an endocrinologist for his endocrines, a psychologist for his psyche, a dermatologist for his derma; there was a pathologist for his pathos, a cystologist for his cysts, and a bald and pedantic cetologist from the zoology department at Harvard who had been shanghaied ruthlessly into the Medical Corps by a faulty anode in an I.B.M. machine and spent his sessions with the dying colonel trying to discuss Moby Dick with him. The colonel had really been investigated. There was not an organ of his body that had not been drugged and derogated, dusted and dredged, fingered and photographed, removed, plundered and replaced. Neat, slender and erect, the woman touched him often as she sat by his bedside and was the epitome of stately sorrow each time she smiled. The colonel was tall, thin and stooped. When he rose to walk, he bent forward even more, making a deep cavity of his body, and placed his feet down very carefully, moving ahead by inches from the knees down. There were violet pools under his eyes. The woman spoke softly, softer than the colonel coughed, and none of the men in the ward ever heard her voice.
          — Кто это ему предоставит? — подозрительно переспросил Данбэр.
          Уловка-22. Джозеф Хеллер, стр. 9
      2. сеть для вылавливания устриц
      3. химия — взвесь
      4. горное дело — худшая часть руды (после отборки)
    2. глагол
      1. производить дноуглубительные работы, углублять; драгировать

        Примеры использования

        1. "Just like Harry Russell," said Miss Marple to herself, dredging up a prototype as usual from the past.
          «Похож на Гарри Рассела, — подумала мисс Марпл, как всегда выискивая прототипы в прошлом.
          Отель «Бертрам». Агата Кристи, стр. 51
        2. Yet every day we dredge, pollute and overfish our oceans.
          Но почему-то каждый день мы копаем дно, загрязняем океаны и без меры ловим рыбу.
          Субтитры видеоролика "Подводный музей, полный жизни. Jason deCaires Taylor", стр. 4
        3. There were two vast black shapes creeping over the surface of the river down there, barges being warped out of the lateral canal on one side and into the canal of Briare on the other by way of a channel across the river dredged for the purpose.
          Ниже по течению ползли две черные баржи — их тянули из бокового канала по правому берегу к бриарскому каналу по левому, для этой цели участок русла был углублен.
          Под стягом победным. Сесил С. Форестер, стр. 119
      2. ловить устриц сетью
  2. dredge [dre] глагол
    посыпать (мукой, сахаром и т. п.)

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