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Слово "fascinating". Англо-русский словарь Мюллера

  1. fascinating uk/us[ˈfæs.ən..tɪŋ]
    1. причастие настоящего времени — от fascinate

      Примеры использования

      1. Genya liked me as a painter, I had conquered her heart by my talent, and I longed passionately to paint only for her, and I dreamed of her as my little queen, who would one day possess with me the trees, the fields, the river, the dawn, all Nature, wonderful and fascinating, with whom, as with them, I have felt helpless and useless.
        Я нравился Жене как художник, я победил ее сердце своим талантом, и мне страстно хотелось писать только для нее, и я мечтал о ней, как о своей маленькой королеве, которая вместе со мною будет владеть этими деревьями, полями, туманом, зарею, этою природой, чудесной, очаровательной, но среди которой я до сих пор чувствовал себя безнадежно одиноким и ненужным.
        Дом с мезонином. Чехов Антон Павлович, стр. 17
      2. Mrs. Cavendish gave me some tea, and her few quiet remarks heightened my first impression of her as a thoroughly fascinating woman.
        Несколько слов, сказанных Мэри за чаем, сделали эту женщину еще прекрасней в моих глазах.
        Таинственное происшествие в Стайлз. Агата Кристи, стр. 5
    2. имя прилагательное — обворожительный, очаровательный, пленительный

      Примеры использования

      1. The Cornish coast is to my mind every bit as fascinating as that of the south of France.
        Мне кажется, что побережье Корнуолла по своей прелести ничуть не уступает югу Франции.
        Загадка Эндхауза. Агата Кристи, стр. 1
      2. In fact, he looked a little amused. The face of a man who has seen this reaction scores of times-maybe hundreds. "All right. But it better be good." "Oh, it is. " Donatti leaned back. "I told you we were pragmatists here. As pragmatists, we have to start by realizing how difficult it is to cure an addiction to tobacco. The relapse rate is almost eight-five per cent. The relapse rate for heroin addicts is lower than that. It is an extraordinary problem. Extraordinary." Morrison glanced into the wastebasket. One of the cigarettes, although twisted, still looked smokeable. Donatti laughed good-naturedly, reached into the wastebasket, and broke it between his fingers. "State legislatures sometimes hear a request that the prison systems do away with the weekly cigarette ration. Such proposals are invariably defeated. In a few cases where they have passed, there have been fierce prison riots. Riots, Mr Morrison. Imagine it." "I," Morrison said, "am not surprised." "But consider the implications. When you put a man in prison you take away any normal sex life, you take away his liquor, his politics, his freedom of movement. No riots-or few in comparison to the number of prisons. But when you take away his cigarettes-wham! bam!" He slammed his fist on the desk for emphasis. "During World War I, when no one on the German home front could get cigarettes, the sight of German aristocrats picking butts out of the gutter was a common one. During World War II, many American women turned to pipes when they were unable to obtain cigarettes. A fascinating problem for the true pragmatist, Mr Morrison."
        Казалось, что происходящее даже забавляет его, и он наблюдал подобные сцены сотни раз.
        Корпорация "Бросайте курить" Стивен КИНГ, стр. 8
      3. But what I find really fascinating
        Но что действительно здорово,
        Субтитры видеоролика " Оригинальные жилища в неожиданных местах. Иван Баан", стр. 1

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