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Слово "perpendicular". Англо-русский словарь Мюллера

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  1. perpendicular [ˌpɛ:r?pənˈdɪkjulə]
    1. существительное
      1. перпендикуляр;
        out of the perpendicular невертикальный, не под прямым углом

        Примеры использования

        1. The cliff arose for several hundred feet on my right, and on my left was an equal and nearly perpendicular drop to the bottom of a rocky ravine.
          По правую руку от меня возвышалась скала, вышиной в несколько сот футов, а по левую сторону оказался такой же крутой, почти отвесный спуск, ведущий на дно скалистого оврага.
          Джон Картер. Дочь тысячи джеддаков. Эдгар Берроуз, стр. 10
        2. “Sorry indeed to hear it! she and I must have some talk;” and bending from the perpendicular, he installed his person in the arm-chair opposite Mrs. Reed’s.
          - Очень жаль.В таком случае нам с ней придется побеседовать.- Фигура его сломилась под прямым углом, он сел в кресло против миссис Рид.
          Джейн Эйр. Шарлотта Бронте, стр. 29
      2. вертикальное, прямое положение

        Примеры использования

        1. At once the sapling shot up, and after that gave no more trouble, remaining in the decorous and perpendicular position in which nature had intended it to grow.
          Елка сейчас же выпрямилась и больше не беспокоила их, заняв подобающее ей вертикальное положение, в котором дереву положено расти самой природой.
          Белый Клык. Джек Лондон, стр. 37
        2. He had been smuggled into the ward during the night, and the men had no idea he was among them until they awoke in the morning and saw the two strange legs hoisted from the hips, the two strange arms anchored up perpendicularly, all four limbs pinioned strangely in air by lead weights suspended darkly above him that never moved. Sewn into the bandages over the insides of both elbows were zippered lips through which he was fed clear fluid from a clear jar. A silent zinc pipe rose from the cement on his groin and was coupled to a slim rubber hose that carried waste from his kidneys and dripped it efficiently into a clear, stoppered jar on the floor. When the jar on the floor was full, the jar feeding his elbow was empty, and the two were simply switched quickly so that the stuff could drip back into him. All they ever really saw of the soldier in white was a frayed black hole over his mouth.
          Его сунули в палату ночью контрабандой. Проснувшись утром, обитатели палаты увидели на пустовавшей койке странно вздыбленные к потолку руки. Все четыре конечности поддерживались в таком состоянии неподвижными свинцовыми противовесами, темневшими над головой солдата.
          Уловка-22. Джозеф Хеллер, стр. 4
      3. разговорное — закусывание стоя, еда стоя; приём а-ля фуршет
    2. имя прилагательное
      1. перпендикулярный

        Примеры использования

        1. He had been smuggled into the ward during the night, and the men had no idea he was among them until they awoke in the morning and saw the two strange legs hoisted from the hips, the two strange arms anchored up perpendicularly, all four limbs pinioned strangely in air by lead weights suspended darkly above him that never moved. Sewn into the bandages over the insides of both elbows were zippered lips through which he was fed clear fluid from a clear jar. A silent zinc pipe rose from the cement on his groin and was coupled to a slim rubber hose that carried waste from his kidneys and dripped it efficiently into a clear, stoppered jar on the floor. When the jar on the floor was full, the jar feeding his elbow was empty, and the two were simply switched quickly so that the stuff could drip back into him. All they ever really saw of the soldier in white was a frayed black hole over his mouth.
          Его сунули в палату ночью контрабандой. Проснувшись утром, обитатели палаты увидели на пустовавшей койке странно вздыбленные к потолку руки. Все четыре конечности поддерживались в таком состоянии неподвижными свинцовыми противовесами, темневшими над головой солдата.
          Уловка-22. Джозеф Хеллер, стр. 4
        2. We had a waterfall there, not a big one, it fell from high up the mountain in a very thin thread, almost perpendicular— white, noisy, foamy; it fell from a great height, but it seemed low; it was half a mile away, but it seemed only fifty steps.
          У нас там водопад был, небольшой, высоко с горы падал и такою тонкою ниткой, почти перпендикулярно, - белый, шумливый, пенистый; падал высоко, а казалось, довольно низко, был в полверсте, а казалось, что до него пятьдесят шагов.
          Идиот. Федор Михайлович Достоевский, стр. 68
      2. почти вертикальный, крутой

        Примеры использования

        1. He had been smuggled into the ward during the night, and the men had no idea he was among them until they awoke in the morning and saw the two strange legs hoisted from the hips, the two strange arms anchored up perpendicularly, all four limbs pinioned strangely in air by lead weights suspended darkly above him that never moved. Sewn into the bandages over the insides of both elbows were zippered lips through which he was fed clear fluid from a clear jar. A silent zinc pipe rose from the cement on his groin and was coupled to a slim rubber hose that carried waste from his kidneys and dripped it efficiently into a clear, stoppered jar on the floor. When the jar on the floor was full, the jar feeding his elbow was empty, and the two were simply switched quickly so that the stuff could drip back into him. All they ever really saw of the soldier in white was a frayed black hole over his mouth.
          Его сунули в палату ночью контрабандой. Проснувшись утром, обитатели палаты увидели на пустовавшей койке странно вздыбленные к потолку руки. Все четыре конечности поддерживались в таком состоянии неподвижными свинцовыми противовесами, темневшими над головой солдата.
          Уловка-22. Джозеф Хеллер, стр. 4

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