Корпорация "Бросайте курить" Стивен КИНГ - параллельный перевод
Изучение английского языка с помощью параллельного текста книги "Корпорация "Бросайте курить"".
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"Did you put on any weight?"
For a moment he thought Jimmy McCann looked almost grim.
For a moment he thought Jimmy McCann looked almost grim.
- Ты, наверно, растолстел, как бросил курить? - спросил
Моррисон, и ему показалось, что Джимми Маккэнн как-то сразу
A little too much, in fact.
A little too much, in fact.
- Даже слишком.
But I took it off again.
I'm about right now.
I was skinny before."
I'm about right now.
I was skinny before."
Но я согнал лишний вес...
"Flight 206 now boarding at Gate 9," the loudspeaker announced.
- Рейс двести шесть, - объявил громкоговоритель.
"That's me," McCann said, getting up.
He tossed a five on the bar.
He tossed a five on the bar.
- Мой, - сказал Маккэнн и поднялся.
"Have another, if you like.
And think about what I said, Dick.
Really. " And then he was gone, making his way through the crowd to the escalators.
And think about what I said, Dick.
Really. " And then he was gone, making his way through the crowd to the escalators.
- Подумай, Дик.
Он пошел через толпу к эскалаторам.
Он пошел через толпу к эскалаторам.
Morrison picked up the card, looked at it thoughtfully, then tucked it away in his wallet and forgot it.
Моррисон взял карточку,
задумчиво изучил, спрятал в бумажник и забыл про нее.
The card fell out of his wallet and on to another bar a month later.
He had left the office early and had come here to drink the afternoon away.
He had left the office early and had come here to drink the afternoon away.
Через месяц карточка выпала из бумажника Моррисона на стойку
другого бара.
Things had not been going so well at the Morton Agency.
Дела на работе шли неважно.
In fact, things were bloody horrible.
Откровенно говоря, дела
были ни к черту.
He gave Henry a ten to pay for his drink, then picked up the small card and reread it-237 East Forty-sixth Street was only two blocks over; it was a cool, sunny October day outside, and maybe, just for chuckles -When Henry brought his change, he finished his drink and then went for a walk.
Моррисон еще раз прочел адрес на карточке -
корпорация находилась в двух кварталах, стоял солнечный
прохладный октябрьский день; может, ради смеха...
Quitters, Inc., was in a new building where the monthly rent on office space was probably close to Morrison's yearly salary.
Корпорация "Бросайте курить" помещалась в новом здании, в
таких домах арендная плата за кабинет, наверно, равнялась годовой
зарплате Моррисона.
From the directory in the lobby, it looked to him like their offices took up one whole floor, and that spelled money.
Lots of it.
Lots of it.
По указателю в вестибюле он понял, что
"Бросайте курить" занимает целый этаж, значит, деньги у них есть, причем очень большие.
"Бросайте курить" занимает целый этаж, значит, деньги у них есть, причем очень большие.
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