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Слово "gaze". Англо-русский словарь Мюллера

  1. gaze
    1. существительное — пристальный взгляд;
      to stand at gaze смотреть пристально;
      to be at gaze находиться в состоянии замешательства, быть в изумлении

      Примеры использования

      1. His eyes were big, blue, and intent; their gaze had something quiet but heavy about it and was filled with that strange expression by which some are able to guess at first sight that the subject has the falling sickness.
        Глаза его были большие, голубые и пристальные; во взгляде их было что-то тихое, но тяжелое, что-то полное того странного выражения, по которому некоторые угадывают с первого взгляда в субъекте падучую болезнь.
        Идиот. Федор Михайлович Достоевский, стр. 2
      2. He tried to meet my gaze.
        Он тоже старался не опускать глаз.
        Остров доктора Моро. Герберт Уэллс, стр. 37
      3. On each landing, opposite the lift-shaft, the poster with the enormous face gazed from the wall.
        На каждой площадке со стены глядело все то же лицо.
        1984. Скотный Двор. Джордж Оруэлл, стр. 1
    2. глагол — пристально глядеть (at , on , upon - на); вглядываться

      Примеры использования

      1. As I turned away I saw Holmes with his back against a rock and his arms folded, gazing down at the rush of waters.
        Отойдя немного, я оглянулся: Холмс стоял, прислонясь к скале, и, скрестив руки, смотрел вниз, на дно стремнины.
        Последнее дело Холмса. Артур Конан-Дойл, стр. 18
      2. The point is, you won't know. If you smoke, you'll be gambling with loaded dice. Are they watching? Are they picking up my wife or sending a man after my son right now? Beautiful, isn't it? And if you do sneak a smoke, it'll taste awful. It will taste like your son's blood." But they couldn't be watching now, in the dead of night, in his own study. The house was grave-quiet. He looked at the cigarettes in the box for almost two minutes, unable to tear his gaze away. Then he went to the study door, peered out into the empty hall, and went back to look at the cigarettes some more. A horrible picture came: his life stretching before him and not a cigarette to be found. How in the name of God was he ever going to be able to make another tough presentation to a wary client, without that cigarette burning nonchalantly between his fingers as he approached the charts and layouts? How would he be able to endure Cindy's endless garden shows without a cigarette? How could he even get up in the morning and face the day without a cigarette to smoke as he drank his coffee and read the paper?
        Вы об этом знать не будете.
        Корпорация "Бросайте курить" Стивен КИНГ, стр. 13
      3. As Langdon sat alone, absently gazing into the darkness, the silence of his home was shattered again, this time by the ring of his fax machine.
        Лэнгдон одиноко сидел в пустом доме, уставившись в темноту невидящим взглядом. Вдруг тишину вновь разорвал звонок, на этот раз факса.
        Ангелы и Демоны. Дэн Браун, стр. 4

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