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Слово "relapse". Англо-русский словарь Мюллера

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  1. relapse [rɪˈlæps]
    1. существительное — повторение; рецидив (особ. медицина, особ. терапия )

      Примеры использования

      1. In fact, he looked a little amused. The face of a man who has seen this reaction scores of times-maybe hundreds. "All right. But it better be good." "Oh, it is. " Donatti leaned back. "I told you we were pragmatists here. As pragmatists, we have to start by realizing how difficult it is to cure an addiction to tobacco. The relapse rate is almost eight-five per cent. The relapse rate for heroin addicts is lower than that. It is an extraordinary problem. Extraordinary." Morrison glanced into the wastebasket. One of the cigarettes, although twisted, still looked smokeable. Donatti laughed good-naturedly, reached into the wastebasket, and broke it between his fingers. "State legislatures sometimes hear a request that the prison systems do away with the weekly cigarette ration. Such proposals are invariably defeated. In a few cases where they have passed, there have been fierce prison riots. Riots, Mr Morrison. Imagine it." "I," Morrison said, "am not surprised." "But consider the implications. When you put a man in prison you take away any normal sex life, you take away his liquor, his politics, his freedom of movement. No riots-or few in comparison to the number of prisons. But when you take away his cigarettes-wham! bam!" He slammed his fist on the desk for emphasis. "During World War I, when no one on the German home front could get cigarettes, the sight of German aristocrats picking butts out of the gutter was a common one. During World War II, many American women turned to pipes when they were unable to obtain cigarettes. A fascinating problem for the true pragmatist, Mr Morrison."
        Казалось, что происходящее даже забавляет его, и он наблюдал подобные сцены сотни раз.
        Корпорация "Бросайте курить" Стивен КИНГ, стр. 8
      2. At first there is a sort of negative condition, as if some tie were loosened, and then the absolute freedom quickly follows; when, however, the freedom ceases the change-back or relapse comes quickly, preceded only by a spell of warning silence.
        Сначала ее состояние становится каким-то колеблющимся, словно некие узы начинают ослабевать, затем внезапно наступает чувство абсолютной свободы; когда же свободное состояние прекращается, быстро наступает реакция, которой предшествует предостерегающее молчание.
        Дракула. Брэм Стокер, стр. 401
      3. I spent half an hour with him, and on my way out asked Joseph to let me know if Elliott had a relapse.
        Я провел у него полчаса и, уходя, просил Жозефа дать мне знать, если ему станет хуже.
        Острие бритвы. Уильям Сомерсет Моэм, стр. 258
    2. глагол — (снова) впадать (в какое-л. состояние); (снова, вторично) заболевать; (снова) предаваться (пьянству и т.п.);
      to relapse into silence снова замолчать

      Примеры использования

      1. After this last assertion, which was evidently expressive of the deepest contentment, he relapsed into silence, only anxious to remove the sponge cake from the sight of man in the least time possible.
        Всего много. – После последнего утверждения, которое, очевидно, было исполнено глубокого смысла, он погрузился в молчание, озабоченный лишь тем, чтобы поскорее умять кексы.
        Лампа. Агата Кристи, стр. 4
      2. He relapsed into a moody silence, which was not broken until we drew up in Serpentine Avenue.
        Он погрузился в угрюмое молчание, которого не прерывал, пока мы не выехали на Серпантайн-авеню.
        Приключения Шерлока Холмса. Скандал в Богемии. Артур Конан-Дойл, стр. 20
      3. Her large shapely body seemed to relapse naturally into stillness.
        Ее крупное красивое тело как бы само собой впадало в неподвижность.
        1984. Скотный Двор. Джордж Оруэлл, стр. 156

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