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Слово "amusing". Англо-русский словарь Мюллера
вне TOP 3000 слов
- причастие настоящего времени — от amuse
Примеры использования
- "Yes, but intricate characters are the most amusing.— Особенно интересны сложные характеры.Гордость и предубеждение. Джейн Остин, стр. 34
- There were four Musketeers on the bottom steps, amusing themselves with the following exercise, while ten or twelve of their comrades waited upon the landing place to take their turn in the sport.На нижних ступеньках четверо мушкетеров забавлялись веселой игрой, в то время как столпившиеся на площадке десять или двенадцать их приятелей ожидали своей очереди, чтобы принять участие в забаве.Три мушкетера. Часть первая. Александр Дюма, стр. 23
- "That will be so amusing!— Подумай, как забавно!Маленький принц. Антуан де Сент-Экзюпери, стр. 46
- имя прилагательное — забавный, смешной; занимательный, занятный
Примеры использования
- From the Louvre, I suppose!' The philosopher laughed. He was greatly amused. 'In the same room he's got another set with hard seats and high black backs. The piano he brought from Vienna. He's got a table inlaid with ivory - it's like something out of Goethe's Weimar - and yet he covers it with a blue-and-gold tablecloth that hangs down to the floor. On another table he's got a bronze statue, a curvaceous, naked girl with a ring of torches in her hand, but the lamps don't work. The statue's too large for the room, it almost reaches the ceiling. It was probably meant for a park. Then he's got clocks - wall clocks, watches, grandfathers, some coffee-table size, some as high as the ceiling. Most of them don't go. There's a huge bowl that came from a museum, with one single orange in it. I only went into two rooms, but I counted five mirrors, some in curved oak frames, some with marble stands. Then there were pictures - seascapes, views of mountains, views of Italian streets. The philosopher was laughing. 'Where does he get it all from?' wondered Sibgatov, both hands as usual propping the small of his back. 'Some of it's war booty, some of it he bought in secondhand shops. He met a girl who worked in one of them; originally he came in to ask her to value some of his furniture, but he ended up marrying her. After that they joined forces, and everything valuable that came along they reserved for themselves.' 'But where does he work himself?' Ahmadjan insisted. 'Nowhere. He got his pension when he was forty-two, but he's still a great ox of a man, he'd be a good fellow for cutting down trees. He has his step-daughter and grand-daughter living with him, and you should see the way he talks to them. "I order you!" he says. "I'm in charge here! This is my house, I built it!" He sticks his hands under the lapels of his overcoat and walks about the house like a field-marshal. His name's Yemelyan according to his passport, but for some reason he makes everyone at home call him Sashik. But can one say he's happy with his lot? No, he's not. What gets him on the raw is that the general commanding the army he was in has a house in Kislovodsk, [Footnote: A fashionable resort in the northern Caucasus. (Translators' note) with ten rooms, two cars and his own man to stoke the boiler. Sashik hasn't got as far as that!' They laughed. Pavel Nikolayevich found the story out of place and thoroughly unamusing. Shulubin didn't laugh either. He looked at the others as if he wished they'd let him get some sleep. 'All right, maybe it's funny,' said Kostoglotov from his prostrate position. 'But how is it that...' 'There was a feature in the local paper. When was it? A few days ago,' someone in the ward remembered. 'It was about a man who built himself a villa with government funds. Then it all came out. And you know what happened? He confessed he'd made a "mistake", handed the place over to a children's home, and all he got was an official reprimand. He wasn't even expelled from the Party.' 'Yes, that's right!' Sibgatov remembered the case as well. 'Why only a reprimand? Why wasn't he put on trial?' The philosopher hadn't read the article and was not ready to undertake to explain why the man hadn't been tried. It was left to Rusanov.И сказать, что доволен жизнью? Нет, не доволен: грызёт его, что в Кисловодске у его бывшего командующего армией дом — из десяти комнат, истопник свой и две автомашины. Павел Николаевич нашёл этот рассказ не смешным и неуместным. И Шулубин не смеялся. Он так на всех смотрел, будто ему спать не давали. — Смешно-то смешно, — отозвался Костоглотов из своего нижнего положения, — а как… — А вот когда? на днях фельетон был в областной газете, — вспомнили в палате, — построил особняк на казённые средства и разоблачён. Так что? Признал свою ошибку, сдал детскому учреждению — и ему поставили на вид, не судили.Раковый корпус. Александр Солженицын, стр. 466
- Amusing title, Anyone Can Cook!Странное название: "Готовить могут все!" Антуан Эго - Ресторанный критик "ВЪЕДЛИВЫЙ ЕДОК"Субтитры фильма "Рататуй / Ratatouille (2007-06-22)", стр. 1
- It was a very crude thing to do, in chapel and all, but it was also quite amusing.Конечно, это ужасно, очень невежливо, в церкви, при всех, но очень уж смешно вышло.Над пропастью во ржи. Джером Д. Сэлинджер, стр. 17
- причастие настоящего времени — от amuse