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Слово "higher". Англо-русский словарь Мюллера

  1. higher
    uk[ˈh.ər] us[ˈh.əʳ]
    1. имя прилагательное
      1. от high 1

        Примеры использования

        1. I have found a higher calling.
          я нашёл более высокое призвание.
          Субтитры видеоролика "Мода, воспевающая африканский дух и волю. Walé Oyéjidé", стр. 1
      2. высший;
        higher education высшее образование

        Примеры использования

        1. And I can already see a higher peak.
          И я уже наметила вершину повыше.
          Субтитры видеоролика "5 способов убить свою мечту. Bel Pesce", стр. 2
        2. "Higher, monsieur, higher."
          — Выше, сударь, много выше!
          Три мушкетера. Часть первая. Александр Дюма, стр. 91
        3. Would you not be happier if you tried to forget her severity, together with the passionate emotions it excited? Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs. We are, and must be, one and all, burdened with faults in this world: but the time will soon come when, I trust, we shall put them off in putting off our corruptible bodies; when debasement and sin will fall from us with this cumbrous frame of flesh, and only the spark of the spirit will remain,—the impalpable principle of light and thought, pure as when it left the Creator to inspire the creature: whence it came it will return; perhaps again to be communicated to some being higher than manperhaps to pass through gradations of glory, from the pale human soul to brighten to the seraph! Surely it will never, on the contrary, be suffered to degenerate from man to fiend? No; I cannot believe that: I hold another creed: which no one ever taught me, and which I seldom mention; but in which I delight, and to which I cling: for it extends hope to all: it makes Eternity a resta mighty home, not a terror and an abyss. Besides, with this creed, I can so clearly distinguish between the criminal and his crime; I can so sincerely forgive the first while I abhor the last: with this creed revenge never worries my heart, degradation never too deeply disgusts me, injustice never crushes me too low: I live in calm, looking to the end.”
          Разве ты не чувствовала бы себя счастливее, если бы постаралась забыть и ее суровость и то негодование, которое она в тебе вызвала?
          Джейн Эйр. Шарлотта Бронте, стр. 59
    2. наречие, сравнительная степень — от high 2

      Примеры использования

      1. They wanted even to fly with it up to heaven to see the angels, but the higher they flew the more slippery the glass became, and they could scarcely hold it, till at last it slipped from their hands, fell to the earth, and was broken into millions of pieces.
        Напоследок захотелось им добраться и до неба, чтобы посмеяться над ангелами и самим творцом. Чем выше поднимались они, тем сильнее кривлялось и корчилось зеркало от гримас; они еле-еле удерживали его в руках.
        Снежная королева. Ганс Христиан Андерсен, стр. 1

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