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Слово "mien". Англо-русский словарь Мюллера

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  1. mien
    1. мина, выражение лица

      Примеры использования

      1. The inspection over, she came back into one of the front rooms looking out on the square and faced the agent with a resolute mien.
        Осмотрев весь дом, она вернулась в одну из комнат, расположенных в фасадной части, из которой хорошо просматривалась вся площадь, и без обиняков, пристально глядя на агента, спросила:
        Лампа. Агата Кристи, стр. 1
      2. There was in his mien a mixture of shame and of determination.
        Лицо его в одно и то же время выражало и стыд и решимость.
        Бремя страстей человеческих. Уильям Сомерсет Моэм, стр. 279
      3. His brother-in-law, Mr. Hurst, merely looked the gentleman; but his friend Mr. Darcy soon drew the attention of the room by his fine, tall person, handsome features, noble mien, and the report which was in general circulation within five minutes after his entrance, of his having ten thousand a year.
        Его зять, мистер Хёрст, с трудом мог сойти за дворянина. Зато друг мистера Бингли, мистер Дарси, сразу привлек к себе внимание всего зала своей статной фигурой, правильными чертами лица и аристократической внешностью. Через пять минут после их прихода всем стало известно, что он владелец имения, приносящего десять тысяч фунтов годового дохода.
        Гордость и предубеждение. Джейн Остин, стр. 6
    2. вид, наружность

      Примеры использования

      1. His brother-in-law, Mr. Hurst, merely looked the gentleman; but his friend Mr. Darcy soon drew the attention of the room by his fine, tall person, handsome features, noble mien, and the report which was in general circulation within five minutes after his entrance, of his having ten thousand a year.
        Его зять, мистер Хёрст, с трудом мог сойти за дворянина. Зато друг мистера Бингли, мистер Дарси, сразу привлек к себе внимание всего зала своей статной фигурой, правильными чертами лица и аристократической внешностью. Через пять минут после их прихода всем стало известно, что он владелец имения, приносящего десять тысяч фунтов годового дохода.
        Гордость и предубеждение. Джейн Остин, стр. 6
      2. Mr. Walters was very earnest of mien, and very sincere and honest at heart; and he held sacred things and places in such reverence, and so separated them from worldly matters, that unconsciously to himself his Sunday-school voice had acquired a peculiar intonation which was wholly absent on week-days.
        С виду мистер Уолтерс был очень серьезен, а в душе честен и искренен; он так благоговел перед всем, что свято, и настолько отделял духовное от светского, что незаметно для себя самого в воскресной школе он даже говорил совсем другим голосом, не таким, как в будние дни.
        Приключения Тома Сойера. Марк Твен, стр. 25
      3. A man was introduced of simple mien, who had the appearance of a tradesman.
        Планше ввел в комнату человека, скромно одетого, по-видимому горожанина.
        Три мушкетера. Часть первая. Александр Дюма, стр. 89
    3. манера держать себя

      Примеры использования

      1. His brother-in-law, Mr. Hurst, merely looked the gentleman; but his friend Mr. Darcy soon drew the attention of the room by his fine, tall person, handsome features, noble mien, and the report which was in general circulation within five minutes after his entrance, of his having ten thousand a year.
        Его зять, мистер Хёрст, с трудом мог сойти за дворянина. Зато друг мистера Бингли, мистер Дарси, сразу привлек к себе внимание всего зала своей статной фигурой, правильными чертами лица и аристократической внешностью. Через пять минут после их прихода всем стало известно, что он владелец имения, приносящего десять тысяч фунтов годового дохода.
        Гордость и предубеждение. Джейн Остин, стр. 6
      2. Thither, too, thronged the plebeian classes, as freely as their betters, and in larger number. Just within the entrance, however, stood two serving-men, pointing some of the guests to the neighborhood of the kitchen, and ushering others into the statelier roomshospitable alike to all, but still with a scrutinising regard to the high or low degree of each. Velvet garments, sombre but rich, stiffly-plaited ruffs and bands, embroidered gloves, venerable beards, the mien and countenance of authority, made it easy to distinguish the gentleman of worship, at that period, from the tradesman, with his plodding air, or the laborer, in his leathern jerkin, stealing awe-stricken into the house which he had perhaps helped to build. One inauspicious circumstance there was, which awakened a hardly concealed displeasure in the breasts of a few of the more punctilious visitors. The founder of this stately mansiona gentleman noted for the square and ponderous courtesy of his demeanorought surely to have stood in his own hall, and to have offered the first welcome to so many eminent personages as here presented themselves in honor of his solemn festival. He was as yet invisible; the most favored of the guests had not beheld him. This sluggishness on Colonel Pyncheon's part became still more unaccountable, when the second dignitary of the province made his appearance, and found no more ceremonious a reception. The lieutenant-governor, although his visit was one of the anticipated glories of the day, had alighted from his horse, and assisted his lady from her side-saddle, and crossed the colonel's threshold, without other greeting than that of the principal domestic. This persona gray-headed man, of quiet and most respectful deportmentfound it necessary to explain that his master still remained in his study, or private apartment; on entering which, an hour before, he had expressed a wish on no account to be disturbed. "Do not you see, fellow," said the high sheriff of the county, taking the servant aside, "that this is no less a man than the lieutenant-governor? Summon Colonel Pyncheon at once! I know that he received letters from England this morning; and, in the perusal and consideration of them, an hour may have passed away without his noticing it. But he will be ill-pleased, I judge, if you suffer him to neglect the courtesy due to one of our chief rulers, and who may be said to represent King William, in the absence of the governor himself. Call your master instantly!" "Nay, please your worship," answered the man, in much perplexity, but with a backwardness that strikingly indicated the hard and severe character of Colonel Pyncheon's domestic rule; "my master's orders were exceedingly strict; and, as your worship knows, he permits of no discretion in the obedience of those who owe him service. Let who list open yonder door; I dare not, though the governor's own voice should bid me do it!" "Pooh, pooh, master high sheriff!" cried the lieutenant-governor, who had overheard the foregoing discussion, and felt himself high enough in station to play a little with his dignity. "I will take the matter into my own hands. It is time that the good colonel came forth to greet his friends, else we shall be apt to suspect that he has taken a sip too much of his Canary wine, in his extreme deliberation which cask it were best to broach, in honor of the day! But since he is so much behindhand, I will give him a remembrancer myself!" Accordingly, with such a tramp of his ponderous riding-boots as might of itself have been audible in the remotest of the seven gables, he advanced to the door, which the servant pointed out, and made its new panels re-echo with a loud, free knock. Then, looking round, with a smile, to the spectators, he awaited a response. As none came, however, he knocked again, but with the same unsatisfactory result as at first. And now, being a trifle choleric in his temperament, the lieutenant-governor uplifted the heavy hilt of his sword, wherewith he so beat and banged upon the door, that, as some of the bystanders whispered, the racket might have disturbed the dead. Be that as it might, it seemed to produce no awakening effect on Colonel Pyncheon. When the sound subsided, the silence through the house was deep, dreary, and oppressive, notwithstanding that the tongues of many of the guests had already been loosened by a surreptitious cup or two of wine or spirits.
        Шло время, а он все не появлялся. Наконец присутствовавший среди гостей лейтенант-губернатор решил позвать хозяина к столу. Он подошел к двери приемной и постучал. Но ответа не последовало. Когда затих стук, в доме царило глубокое, страшное, тяготившее душу молчание.
        Дом о семи шпилях. Натаниэль Готорн, стр. 8
      3. I see genuine contentment in your gait and mien, your eye and face, when you are helping me and pleasing meworking for me, and with me, in, as you characteristically say, ‘all that is right:’ for if I bid you do what you thought wrong, there would be no light-footed running, no neat-handed alacrity, no lively glance and animated complexion.
        Я вижу, как вы веселы и довольны, как сияет ваш взгляд и лицо, когда вы трудитесь для меня и со мной, когда вы помогаете мне в том, что, как вы метко выразились, хорошо. А прикажи я вам сделать нехорошее, вы бы не бегали легкой поступью по моим поручениям, ваши руки проворно не исполняли бы их, ваш взгляд не был бы оживлен и лицо весело.
        Джейн Эйр. Шарлотта Бронте, стр. 238

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