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Слово "ham". Англо-русский словарь Мюллера

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  1. ham [hæm]
    1. существительное
      1. бедро, ляжка

        Примеры использования

        1. He came upon one of the man-animals, Grey Beaver, who was squatting on his hams and doing something with sticks and dry moss spread before him on the ground.
          Присев на корточки, Серый Бобр делал что-то с сухим мохом и палками, разложенными возле него на земле.
          Белый Клык. Джек Лондон, стр. 77
        2. All they had to do in return was hump any of the men who asked them to, which seemed to make everything just about perfect for them. Every fourth day or so Hungry Joe came crashing in like a man in torment, hoarse, wild, and frenetic, if he had been unlucky enough to finish his missions again and was flying the courier ship. Most times he slept at the enlisted men’s apartment. Nobody was certain how many rooms Major—de Coverley had rented, not even the stout black-bodiced woman in corsets on the first floor from whom he had rented them. They covered the whole top floor, and Yossarian knew they extended down to the fifth floor as well, for it was in Snowden’s room on the fifth floor that he had finally found the maid in the lime-colored panties with a dust mop the day after Bologna, after Hungry Joe had discovered him in bed with Luciana at the officers’ apartment that same morning and had gone running like a fiend for his camera. The maid in the lime-colored panties was a cheerful, fat, obliging woman in her mid-thirties with squashy thighs and swaying hams in lime-colored panties that she was always rolling off for any man who wanted her. She had a plain broad face and was the most virtuous woman alive: she laid for everybody, regardless of race, creed, color or place of national origin, donating herself sociably as an act of hospitality, procrastinating not even for the moment it might take to discard the cloth or broom or dust mop she was clutching at the time she was grabbed. Her allure stemmed from her accessibility; like Mt. Everest, she was there, and the men climbed on top of her each time they felt the urge. Yossarian was in love with the maid in the lime-colored panties because she seemed to be the only woman left he could make love to without falling in love with. Even the bald-headed girl in Sicily still evoked in him strong sensations of pity, tenderness and regret.
          Все, что от них требовалось в обмен, — это ублажить каждого, кто их об этом попросит. И кажется, такое условие их вполне устраивало.
          Уловка-22. Джозеф Хеллер, стр. 136
      2. окорок, ветчина

        Примеры использования

        1. In a few moments the servant returned with a tray of glasses, which he distributed amongst the company by the fire, and later he appeared again with cake and ham.
          Через некоторое время официант вернулся с подносом, уставленным стаканами, и обнес собравшихся у камина гостей. Немного погодя он принес им пирог и ветчину.
          Трактир "Ямайка" Дафна Дюморье, стр. 166
        2. Some hams hanging in the kitchen were taken out for burial, and the barrel of beer in the scullery was stove in with a kick from Boxer’s hoof, – otherwise nothing in the house was touched.
          Несколько окороков, висевших на кухне, были взяты для захоронения, и в буфетной Боксер проломил копытом бочонок с пивом — все остальное в доме осталось нетронутым.
          Скотный Двор. Джордж Оруэлл, стр. 14
        3. The latter had never been under-drawn: its entire anatomy lay bare to an inquiring eye, except where a frame of wood laden with oatcakes and clusters of legs of beef, mutton, and ham, concealed it.
          Никакого настила под крышей не было: вся ее анатомия была доступна любопытному глазу, кроме тех мест, где ее скрывало какое-то деревянное сооружение, заваленное овсяными лепешками и увешанное окороками – говяжьими, бараньими и свиными.
          Грозовой перевал. Эмили Джейн Бронте, стр. 3
      3. разговорное — зад

        Примеры использования

        1. With a prodigious noise the door flew open, and the knob slamming against the wall, sent the plaster to the ceiling; and there, good heavens! there sat Queequeg, altogether cool and self-collected; right in the middle of the room; squatting on his hams, and holding Yojo on top of his head.
          Дверь с чудовищным грохотом распахнулась, угодив со всего маху ручкой в стену и вздымая к потолку облака раскрошенной штукатурки; и тут, святый боже! мы увидели Квикега - живой и невредимый, он в полной невозмутимости сидел на корточках посреди комнаты, а на макушке у него стоял Йоджо.
          Моби Дик, или Белый кит. Герман Мелвилл, стр. 98
      4. американский, употребляется в США , разговорное — плохой актёр; плохая игра
      5. разговорное — радиолюбитель
    2. глагол, американский, употребляется в США , разговорное — плохо играть (об актёре)

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