Машина - победитель. Айзек Азимов - параллельный перевод
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"It would drive anyone mad," said Swift, with gentle sympathy.
– Это кого угодно выведет из себя, - мягко произнес Свифт.
Henderson shook his head.
Гендерсон покачал головой.
"It wasn't just that.
– Все не так просто.
I admit that eight years ago when I replaced Lepont as Chief Programmer, I was nervous.
But there was an exhilaration about things in those days.
The war was still long-range; an adventure without real danger.
But there was an exhilaration about things in those days.
The war was still long-range; an adventure without real danger.
Когда я восемь лет назад заменил Лепона на посту Главного Программиста, суперпоток казался пустяком.
We hadn't reached the point where manned vessels had had to take over and where interstellar warps could
swallow up a planet clean, if aimed correctly.
swallow up a planet clean, if aimed correctly.
Тогда мы еще не дошли до той стадии, когда производимые им пространственные деформации могли бесследно поглотить планету.
But then, when the real difficulties began-"
А вот потом, когда начались настоящие трудности...
Angrily-he could finally permit anger-he said,
"You know nothing about it."
"You know nothing about it."
Вы же ничего не знаете!
"Well," said Swift.
– Допустим, - согласился Свифт.
"Tell us.
- Расскажи нам.
The war is over.
We've won."
We've won."
Все равно мы победили.
– Да...
Henderson nodded his head.
He had to remember that.
Earth had won so all had been for the best.
He had to remember that.
Earth had won so all had been for the best.
- Гендерсон мотнул головой.
"Well, the data became meaningless."
- Так вот, вся получаемая информация была бессмысленной.
– Бессмысленной?
You mean that literally?" said Jablonsky.
В буквальном смысле слова? - переспросил Яблонский.
– Именно.
What would you expect?
The trouble with you two was that you weren't out in the thick of it.
The trouble with you two was that you weren't out in the thick of it.
Ведь вы даже отдаленно не представляли себе истинного положения вещей.
You never left Multivac, Max, and you, Mr. Director, never left the Mansion except on state visits where you saw exactly what they wanted you to see."
Ни ты Макс, ни вы, Директор.
Покидая Мультивак по вызовам руководства, вы были совершенно но в курсе происходящих здесь событий.
Покидая Мультивак по вызовам руководства, вы были совершенно но в курсе происходящих здесь событий.
"I was not as unaware of that," said Swift, "as you may have thought."
– Я догадывался об этом, - заметил Свифт.
"Do you know," said Henderson, "to what extent data concerning our production capacity, our resource potential, our trained manpower-everything of importance to the war effort, in fact-had become unreliable and untrustworthy during the last half of the war?
– Вам известно, - продолжал Гендерсон, - до какой степени данные о наших аннигиляционных установках, зондах-разведчиках, энергетических ресурсах стали ненадежными ко второй половине этой войны?
Group leaders, both civilian and military, were intent on projecting their own improved image, so to speak, so they obscured the bad and magnified the good.
Whatever the machines might do, the men who programmed them and interpreted the results had their own skins to think of and competitors to stab.
There was no way of stopping that.
Whatever the machines might do, the men who programmed them and interpreted the results had their own skins to think of and competitors to stab.
There was no way of stopping that.
Ведь все эти политиканы и военные только и думали что о своей шкуре, как бы не потерять теплые места.
И, что бы там ни выдавали машины, цифры неизменно подправлялись: плохое затушевывалось, выпячивались успехи.
И, что бы там ни выдавали машины, цифры неизменно подправлялись: плохое затушевывалось, выпячивались успехи.
I tried, and failed."
Я пытался бороться с этим, но безуспешно.
"Of course," said Swift, in quiet consolation.
"I can see that you would."
"I can see that you would."
– Представляю, - тихо произнес Свифт.
This time Jablonsky decided to light his cigarette.
На этот раз Яблонский закурил.
"Yet I presume you provided Multivac with data in your programming.
You said nothing to us about unreliability."
You said nothing to us about unreliability."
– И все же ты обеспечивал Мультивак информацией, ничего не говоря нам о мере ее ненадежности.
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