Немой свидетель. Агата Кристи - параллельный перевод
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Agatha Christie
Агата Кристи
Dumb Witness
To dear Peter,
most faithful of friends
and dearest of companions,
a dog in a thousand.
most faithful of friends
and dearest of companions,
a dog in a thousand.
Дорогому ПИТЕРУ, лучшему другу и приятелю, собаке, каких мало.
Глава 1
Мисс Аранделл из
Miss Arundell died on May 1st.
Мисс Аранделл скончалась первого мая.
Though her illness was short her death did not occasion much surprise in the little country town of Market Basing where she had lived since she was a girl of sixteen.
И хотя болела она недолго, смерть ее мало кого удивила в провинциальном городке Маркет-Бейсинг, где она жила с тех пор, как ей исполнилось шестнадцать.
For Emily Arundell was well over seventy, the last of a family of five, and she had been known to be in delicate health for many years and had indeed nearly died of a similar attack to the one that killed her some eighteen months before.
Ибо Эмили — последней из потомков Аранделлов — давно уже перевалило за семьдесят и многие годы она слыла особой хрупкого здоровья, тем более что полтора года назад она едва не умерла от приступа болезни, которая в конце концов ее и доконала.
But though Miss Arundell’s death surprised no one, something else did.
The provisions of her will gave rise to varying emotions, astonishment, pleasurable excitement, deep condemnation, fury, despair, anger and general gossip.
The provisions of her will gave rise to varying emotions, astonishment, pleasurable excitement, deep condemnation, fury, despair, anger and general gossip.
Но если смерть мисс Аранделл мало кого удивила, то ее завещание взбудоражило всех, вызвав бесконечные толки и бурю самых разных чувств: недоумение, волнение, отчаяние, злобу.
For weeks and even months Market Basing was to talk of nothing else!
Неделями, а то и месяцами в Маркет-Бейсинге ни о чем другом не говорили.
Everyone had their own contribution to make to the subject from Mr. Jones the grocer, who held that “blood was thicker than water,” to Mrs. Lamphrey at the post office, who repeated ad nauseam that “there’s something behind it, depend upon it!
У каждого на сей счет имелось свое собственное суждение, начиная с бакалейщика мистера Джонса, утверждавшего, что "свой своему поневоле брат", и кончая мисс Лэмфри с почты, без конца твердившей:
"Нет дыма без огня!
"Нет дыма без огня!
You mark my words.”
What added zest to the speculations on the subject was the fact that the will had been made as lately as April 21st.
Add to this the further fact that Emily Arundell’s near relations had been staying with her just before that date over Easter Bank Holiday and it will be realized that the most scandalous theories could be propounded, pleasurably relieving the monotony of everyday life in Market Basing.
What added zest to the speculations on the subject was the fact that the will had been made as lately as April 21st.
Add to this the further fact that Emily Arundell’s near relations had been staying with her just before that date over Easter Bank Holiday and it will be realized that the most scandalous theories could be propounded, pleasurably relieving the monotony of everyday life in Market Basing.
Помяните мои слова!"
There was one person who was shrewdly suspected of knowing more about the matter than she was willing to admit.
That was Miss Wilhelmina Lawson, Miss Arundell’s companion.
That was Miss Wilhelmina Lawson, Miss Arundell’s companion.
На самом же деле, — таково было единодушное мнение жителей города, — о том, что произошло в действительности, могла знать только одна особа — мисс Вильгельмина Лоусон, компаньонка мисс Аранделл.
Miss Lawson, however, professed herself just as much in the dark as everyone else.
She, too, she declared, had been dumbfounded when the will was read out.
She, too, she declared, had been dumbfounded when the will was read out.
Тем не менее, мисс Лоусон категорически отрицала свою осведомленность, заявляя, что знает ничуть не более остальных и не менее других была огорошена, когда вскрыли завещание.
A lot of people, of course, did not believe this.
Впрочем, мало кто верил ей.
Nevertheless, whether Miss Lawson was or was not as ignorant as she declared herself to be, only one person really knew the true facts.
That person was the dead woman herself.
That person was the dead woman herself.
Но что бы там ни говорила мисс Лоусон, сущую правду знала лишь сама покойная.
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