Труп в библиотеке. Агата Кристи - параллельный перевод
Изучение английского языка с помощью параллельного текста книги "Труп в библиотеке".
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Chapter 1
Глава 1
Mrs Bantry was dreaming.
Her sweet peas had just taken a First at the flower show.
Her sweet peas had just taken a First at the flower show.
Миссис Бантри привиделся сон: ее душистый горошек занял первое место на выставке цветов!
The vicar, dressed in cassock and surplice, was giving out the prizes in church.
His wife wandered past, dressed in a bathing suit, but, as is the blessed habit of dreams, this fact did not arouse the disapproval of the parish in the way it would assuredly have done in real life...
His wife wandered past, dressed in a bathing suit, but, as is the blessed habit of dreams, this fact did not arouse the disapproval of the parish in the way it would assuredly have done in real life...
Вручал призы пастор в полном облачении, а пасторша в купальнике помогала ему.
Разумеется, случись такое наяву, экстравагантность ее одежды вызвала бы единодушное порицание паствы.
Разумеется, случись такое наяву, экстравагантность ее одежды вызвала бы единодушное порицание паствы.
Mrs Bantry was enjoying her dream a good deal.
She usually did enjoy those early-morning dreams that were terminated by the arrival of early-morning tea.
She usually did enjoy those early-morning dreams that were terminated by the arrival of early-morning tea.
Миссис Бантри нежилась в том приятном утреннем забытьи, которое вот-вот должна была оборвать служанка с чашкой раннего чая.
Somewhere in her inner consciousness was an awareness of the usual early-morning noises of the household.
Сквозь дрему уже различались многочисленные звуки просыпающегося дома.
The rattle of the curtain rings on the stairs as the housemaid drew them, the noises of the second housemaid's dustpan and brush in the passage outside.
In the distance the heavy noise of the front-door bolt being drawn back.
In the distance the heavy noise of the front-door bolt being drawn back.
Вот горничная отдернула занавеси окна, служанка метет коридор, и кто-то звякнул щеколдой входной двери.
Another day was beginning.
Новый день начался.
In the meantime she must extract as much pleasure as possible from the flower show, for already its dreamlike quality was becoming apparent.
И миссис Бантри спешила насладиться упоительными мгновениями цветочной выставки, потому что опасалась в последний момент какого-нибудь подвоха.
Below her was the noise of the big wooden shutters in the drawing room being opened.
В гостиной этажом ниже с шумом растворились деревянные ставни.
She heard it, yet did not hear it.
For quite half an hour longer the usual household noises would go on, discreet, subdued, not disturbing because they were so familiar.
For quite half an hour longer the usual household noises would go on, discreet, subdued, not disturbing because they were so familiar.
Этот звук не разбудил ее полностью, она знала, что хождение взад-вперед, дребезжание и треньканье будут тянуться еще полчаса, звуки были слишком привычны, чтобы обращать на них внимание.
They would culminate in a swift, controlled sound of footsteps along the passage, the rustle of a print dress, the subdued chink of tea things as the tray was deposited on the table outside, then the soft knock and the entry of Mary to draw the curtains.
Кульминацией возни станет лишь шуршание коленкорового платья да звяканье посуды на подносе, когда Мэри постучит к ней в дверь.
In her sleep Mrs Bantry frowned.
В полусне миссис Бантри нахмурилась.
Something disturbing was penetrating through the dream state, something out of its time.
В подсознание ворвалось нечто непривычное: звук поспешных шагов.
Footsteps along the passage, footsteps that were too hurried and too soon.
Her ears listened unconsciously for the chink of china, but there was no chink of china.
Her ears listened unconsciously for the chink of china, but there was no chink of china.
Напрасно слух ловил нежное позвякивание фарфора на подносе: в это утро ей не суждено было его услышать.
The knock came at the door.
Automatically, from the depths of her dream, Mrs Bantry said,
Automatically, from the depths of her dream, Mrs Bantry said,
Однако стук в дверь раздался, и она машинально произнесла, не открывая глаз:
"Come in."
– Войдите же!
The door opened; now there would be the chink of curtain rings as the curtains were drawn back.
But there was no chink of curtain rings.
But there was no chink of curtain rings.
Дверь отворилась, но никто не отдернул гардину окна, как обычно.
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