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Слово "screw". Англо-русский словарь Мюллера

вне TOP 3000 слов
  1. screw [skru:]
    1. существительное
      1. винт (тж. male screw , external screw ); болт, шуруп;
        female (или internal ) screw гайка;
        to turn (или to apply ) the screw , to put the screw (s ) on завернуть, подкрутить гайку; в переносном значении оказать давление, нажать

        Примеры использования

        1. nails or screw and a skinning material.
          гвозди или шурупы и материал обшивки,
          Субтитры видеоролика "Архитектурное чудо временных городов. Rahul Mehrotra", стр. 2
        2. Ralph stood, one hand against a grey trunk, and screwed up his eyes against the shimmering water.
          Ральф замер, забыв руку на сером стволе, и щурясь смотрел на сверкающую воду.
          Повелитель мух. Уильям Голдинг, стр. 3
        3. The screws began turning the opposite way and half the river was covered with seething foam.
          Винты завертелись в обратную сторону. Полреки рябилось шевелящейся пеной.
          Двенадцать стульев. Илья Ильф и Евгений Петров, стр. 230
      2. техника; технология — шнек, червяк
      3. = thumbscrew 1

        Примеры использования

        1. to find something that I could screw up. That's how tough it was.
          найти место, где я могу натворить дел — такая вот жесть.
          Субтитры видеоролика "Как найти работу по душе. Scott Dinsmore", стр. 1
      4. авиация — (воздушный) винт; морской; мореходный (гребной) винт

        Примеры использования

        1. He started the engines and threw the helicopter screws into gear.
          Запустил моторы, включил верхние винты.
          О дивный новый мир. Олдос Хаксли, стр. 39
      5. поворот винта;
        to give a nut a (good ) screw покрепче завернуть гайку
      6. небольшой свёрток, бумажный пакет, "фунтик";
        a screw of tobacco пачка табаку

        Примеры использования

        1. When the kettle had boiled he extracted a screw of paper from his pocket, and put a generous sprinkle of sugar into a glass.
          Когда вскипел чайник, он вытащил из кармана пакет и насыпал сахару в стакан, послаще.
          Хождение по мукам.Восемнадцатый год. Алексей Толстой, стр. 12
      7. разговорное — скряга

        Примеры использования

        1. courtesy of the hardest screw that ever walked a turn at Shawshank State Prison.
          ...которое ей преподнес самый невыносимый скряга во всем Шоушенке.
          Субтитры фильма "Побег из Шоушенка / The Shawshank Redemption (1994-09-14)", стр. 12
        2. courtesy of the hardest screw that ever walked a turn at Shawshank State Prison.
          ...и попивала ледяное Богемское пиво...
          Субтитры фильма "Побег из Шоушенка / The Shawshank Redemption (1994-09-14)", стр. 12
      8. разговорное — кляча

        Примеры использования

        1. «Screw you, Jack!»
          1174 — Иди ты в задницу, Джек!
          Колыбель для кошки. Курт Воннегут, стр. 88
      9. разговорное — зарплата, жалованье
      10. сленг; жаргон — тюремный сторож, тюремщик

        Примеры использования

        1. 'State legislature must have opened the pursestrings enough to hire another screw this year after all,' Brutal said, still laughing. 'Lookie yonder.'
          — Похоже, в этом году юриспруденция штата раскошелилась на дополнительную охрану, — сказал Брут, все еще смеясь, — посмотрите туда!
          Зеленая миля. Стивен КИНГ, стр. 49
      11. винтовой;
        he has a screw loose у него винтика не хватает;
        to have a screw loose on smth. разговорное помешаться на чём-л.;
        there is a screw loose somewhere что-то не в порядке
    2. глагол
      1. привинчивать, завинчивать, скреплять винтами; навинчивать;
        to screw the lid on the jar завинтить крышку банки

        Примеры использования

        1. We soldered up the leaden coffin, screwed on the coffin-lid, and gathering up our belongings, came away.
          Мы запаяли свинцовый гроб, привинтили крышку деревянного гроба и, собрав наши вещи, ушли.
          Дракула. Брэм Стокер, стр. 261
        2. At this moment grandfather was, no doubt, standing at the gate, screwing up his eyes at the red windows of the church, stamping with his high felt boots, and joking with the servants.
          Теперь, наверно, дед стоит у ворот, щурит глаза на ярко-красные окна деревенской церкви и, притопывая валенками, балагурит с дворней.
          Ванька. Чехов Антон Павлович, стр. 2
        3. "Oh, it must be lovely, living on a houseboat," said Ethelbertha, with a gasp of ecstasy; "it must be like living in a doll's house." Ethelbertha was very young--ridiculously young, as I think I have mentioned before--in those days of which I am writing, and the love of dolls, and of the gorgeous dresses that dolls wear, and of the many-windowed but inconveniently arranged houses that dolls inhabit--or are supposed to inhabit, for as a rule they seem to prefer sitting on the roof with their legs dangling down over the front door, which has always appeared to me to be unladylike: but then, of course, I am no authority on doll etiquette--had not yet, I think, quite departed from her. Nay, am I not sure that it had not? Do I not remember, years later, peeping into a certain room, the walls of which are covered with works of art of a character calculated to send any aesthetic person mad, and seeing her, sitting on the floor, before a red brick mansion, containing two rooms and a kitchen; and are not her hands trembling with delight as she arranges the three real tin plates upon the dresser? And does she not knock at the real brass knocker upon the real front door until it comes off, and I have to sit down beside her on the floor and screw it on again? Perhaps, however, it is unwise for me to recall these things, and bring them forward thus in evidence against her, for cannot she in turn laugh at me? Did not I also assist in the arrangement and appointment of that house beautiful? We differed on the matter of the drawing-room carpet, I recollect. Ethelbertha fancied a dark blue velvet, but I felt sure, taking the wall-paper into consideration, that some shade of terra-cotta would harmonise best. She agreed with me in the end, and we manufactured one out of an old chest protector. It had a really charming effect, and gave a delightfully warm tone to the room. The blue velvet we put in the kitchen. I deemed this extravagance, but Ethelbertha said that servants thought a lot of a good carpet, and that it paid to humour them in little things, when practicable. The bedroom had one big bed and a cot in it; but I could not see where the girl was going to sleep. The architect had overlooked her altogether: that is so like an architect. The house also suffered from the inconvenience common to residences of its class, of possessing no stairs, so that to move from one room to another it was necessary to burst your way up through the ceiling, or else to come outside and climb in through a window; either of which methods must be fatiguing when you come to do it often. Apart from these drawbacks, however, the house was one that any doll agent would have been justified in describing as a "most desirable family residence"; and it had been furnished with a lavishness that bordered on positive ostentation. In the bedroom there was a washing-stand, and on the washing-stand there stood a jug and basin, and in the jug there was real water. But all this was as nothing. I have known mere ordinary, middle-class dolls' houses in which you might find washing-stands and jugs and basins and real water--ay, and even soap. But in this abode of luxury there was a real towel; so that a body could not only wash himself, but wipe himself afterwards, and that is a sensation that, as all dolls know, can be enjoyed only in the very first-class establishments. Then, in the drawing-room, there was a clock, which would tick just so long as you continued to shake it (it never seemed to get tired); also a picture and a piano, and a book upon the table, and a vase of flowers that would upset the moment you touched it, just like a real vase of flowers. Oh, there was style about this room, I can tell you. But the glory of the house was its kitchen. There were all things that heart could desire in this kitchen, saucepans with lids that took on and off, a flat-iron and a rolling-pin. A dinner service for three occupied about half the room, and what space was left was filled up by the stove--a _real_ stove! Think of it, oh ye owners of dolls' houses, a stove in which you could burn real bits of coal, and on which you could boil real bits of potato for dinner--except when people said you mustn't, because it was dangerous, and took the grate away from you, and blew out the fire, a thing that hampers a cook. I never saw a house more complete in all its details. Nothing had been overlooked, not even the family. It lay on its back, just outside the front door, proud but calm, waiting to be put into possession. It was not an extensive family. It consisted of four--papa, and mamma, and baby, and the hired girl; just the family for a beginner. It was a well-dressed family too--not merely with grand clothes outside, covering a shameful condition of things beneath, such as, alas! is too often the case in doll society, but with every article necessary and proper to a lady or gentleman, down to items that I could not mention. And all these garments, you must know, could be unfastened and taken off. I have known dolls--stylish enough dolls, to look at, some of them--who have been content to go about with their clothes gummed on to them, and, in some cases, nailed on with tacks, which I take to be a slovenly and unhealthy habit. But this family could be undressed in five minutes, without the aid of either hot water or a chisel. Not that it was advisable from an artistic point of view that any of them should. They had not the figure that looks well in its natural state--none of them. There was a want of fulness about them all. Besides, without their clothes, it might have been difficult to distinguish the baby from the papa, or the maid from the mistress, and thus domestic complications might have arisen. When all was ready for their reception we established them in their home. We put as much of the baby to bed as the cot would hold, and made the papa and mamma comfortable in the drawing-room, where they sat on the floor and stared thoughtfully at each other across the table. (They had to sit on the floor because the chairs were not big enough.) The girl we placed in the kitchen, where she leant against the dresser in an attitude suggestive of drink, embracing the broom we had given her with maudlin affection. Then we lifted up the house with care, and carried it cautiously into another room, and with the deftness of experienced conspirators placed it at the foot of a small bed, on the south-west corner of which an absurdly small somebody had hung an absurdly small stocking.
          "О, жить на понтоне просто чудесно, - заявила Этельберта в полном восторге, - это все равно что жить в кукольном домике".
          Как мы писали роман. Джером К. Джером, стр. 51
      2. нарезать резьбу
      3. выжимать;
        to screw water out of a sponge выжать губку

        Примеры использования

        1. Well, we screwed him up to a hundred pounds for the child's family; he would have clearly liked to stick out; but there was something about the lot of us that meant mischief, and at last he struck.
          В конце концов мы выжали из него сто фунтов для родных девочки; он попробовал было упереться, но понял, что может быть хуже, и пошел на попятный.
          Странная история доктора Джекила и мистера Хайда. Роберт Льюис Стивенсон, стр. 4
      4. нажимать, притеснять

        Примеры использования

        1. His meditations on the subject were soon interrupted, first by the rustling of garments on the staircase, and then by the sudden whisking into the room of a lady rather past the middle age than otherwise but dressed in a very juvenile manner, particularly as to the tightness of her bodice, who, running up to him with a kind of screw in her face and carriage, expressive of suppressed emotion, flung her arms around his neck, and said, in a choking voice,
          Его размышления на эту тему были прерваны сначала шорохом платья на лестнице, а затем внезапно ворвавшейся в комнату леди, скорее пожилой, чем юной, но одетой как молоденькая, в особенности если судить по туго затянутому корсету, которая, подбежав к нему, — что-то напряженное в ее лице и манерах свидетельствовало о сдержанном возбуждении, — обвила руками его шею и сказала, задыхаясь:
          Домби и сын. Чарльз Диккенс, стр. 8
        2. The end result is that we actually screw up.
          В результате мы его ухудшаем.
          Субтитры видеоролика "Почему мы проигрываем в стрессе — и как этого избежать? Sian Leah Beilock", стр. 3
        3. It had died of its own accord, expired completely without even an ember to be watered down, and there was nothing for the disappointed firemen to do but drink tepid coffee and hang around trying to screw the nurses.
          Пламя погасло само по себе, не осталось ни одной даже тлеющей головешки. Разочарованные пожарники посидели на кухне, попили тепловатого кофе и долго еще слонялись вокруг в надежде потискать медсестричек.
          Уловка-22. Джозеф Хеллер, стр. 6
      5. скряжничать, скаредничать

        Примеры использования

        1. The man chuckled. “Knowing Sexton, he’d probably screw her anyway.”
          — Зная Секстона, — не унимался циник, — готов поспорить, что он и ее не пропустил.
          Точка обмана. Дэн Браун, стр. 2
      6. крутить(ся), вертеть(ся);
        to screw smb.'s arm выкручивать кому-л. руку

        Примеры использования

        1. of ways you can screw
          способов заниматься любовью —
          Субтитры видеоролика "Как жить со страстью в любом возрасте. Isabel Allende", стр. 3
      7. to be screwed сленг; жаргон быть пьяным;
        screw out a> вывинчивать; b> вымогать (деньги, согласие;
        of screw у кого-л.);
        screw up a> завинчивать; подвинчивать (болт, гайку и т.п.); навинчивать (крышку и т.п.); b> подтягивать, укреплять;
        to screw up one's courage подбодриться, набраться храбрости;
        to screw oneself up to do smth. заставить себя сделать что-л.; c> морщить (лицо); поджимать (губы);
        to screw up one's eyes прищуриться;
        to have one's head screwed on the right way иметь хорошую голову на плечах

        Примеры использования

        1. He screwed his face up as though considering.
          Он поморщился, будто не знал, что ответить.
          Убийство в Месопотамии. Агата Кристи, стр. 5
        2. Well, there we stood, two on one side, five on the other, the pit between us, and nobody screwed up high enough to offer the first blow.
          Так стояли мы, двое против пятерых, и нас разделяла яма. Ни одна из сторон не решалась нанести первый удар.
          Остров сокровищ. Роберт Льюис Стивенсон, стр. 183
        3. “Ma’am,” McMurphy says, “have I told you about my uncle Hallahan and the woman who used to screw up his name?”
          – Сестра, – вмешивается Макмерфи, – говорил я вам про моего дядю Халлахана, как женщина коверкала его фамилию?
          Пролетая над гнездом кукушки. Кен Кизи, стр. 49

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