
Маг. - параллельный перевод

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We talked steadily from half past six till midnight.'
Проболтали без остановки с половины седьмого до полуночи.
'Or, rather, she talked and you listened with the delighted attention of a happy lover.'
— Скорее, говорила она, а вы внимали с восхищением счастливого влюбленного?
Arthur Burdon had just arrived in Paris.
Бардон только что появился в Париже.
He was a surgeon on the staff of St Luke's, and had come ostensibly to study the methods of the French operators; but his real object was certainly to see Margaret Dauncey.
He was furnished with introductions from London surgeons of repute, and had already spent a morning at the Hфtel Dieu, where the operator, warned that his visitor was a bold and skilful surgeon, whose reputation in England was already considerable, had sought to dazzle him by feats that savoured almost of legerdemain.
Though the hint of charlatanry in the Frenchman's methods had not escaped Arthur Burdon's shrewd eyes, the audacious sureness of his hand had excited his enthusiasm.
During luncheon he talked of nothing else, and Dr Porhoлt, drawing upon his memory, recounted the more extraordinary operations that he had witnessed in Egypt.
Он служил хирургом в александрийской клинике Святого Луки и приехал сюда для изучения методов своих французских коллег; но истинной причиной его приезда была, несомненно, Маргарет Донси.
He had known Arthur Burdon ever since he was born, and indeed had missed being present at his birth only because the Khedive Ismaпl had summoned him unexpectedly to Cairo.
Доктор Поро знал Артура с раннего детства и не присутствовал при его рождении лишь потому, что в это время неожиданно отлучился в Каир.
But the Levantine merchant who was Arthur's father had been his most intimate friend, and it was with singular pleasure that Dr Porhoлt saw the young man, on his advice, enter his own profession and achieve a distinction which himself had never won.
Though too much interested in the characters of the persons whom chance threw in his path to have much ambition on his own behalf, it pleased him to see it in others.
He observed with satisfaction the pride which Arthur took in his calling and the determination, backed by his confidence and talent, to become a master of his art.
Будучи близким другом его отца, занимавшегося торговлей в странах Леванта, Поро с удовольствием следил за тем, как, избрав по его совету профессию врача, Артур уже превзошел в мастерстве своего старшего друга, с удовлетворением видел, с какой гордостью следовал молодой хирург своему призванию, как он, благодаря целеустремленности и таланту, превратился в первоклассного лекаря.
Dr Porhoлt knew that a diversity of interests, though it adds charm to a man's personality, tends to weaken him.
Поро всегда считал, что разнообразие интересов, хотя и придает мужчине дополнительную привлекательность, мешает его карьере.
To excel one's fellows it is needful to be circumscribed.
Что бы превзойти коллег в каком-то деле, нужно целиком посвятить ему себя.
He did not regret, therefore, that Arthur in many ways was narrow.
Поэтому доктор не сожалел о том, что Артур не слишком отличается широтой интересов.

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